class Node def initialize id, accepting = false @id = id @accepting = accepting @edges = [] end def id return @id end def accepting! accepting=true @accepting = accepting end def accepting? return @accepting end def pushedge on, to tempto = do |edge| edge[0] == on end @edges.push [on, to] end def goto on to = do |edge| edge[0] == on end if to.length == 0 then return :reject else ret = [] to.each do |x| ret.push x[1] end return ret end end end if ARGV[0] == nil or ARGV[1] == nil then puts "Usage: ruby vfsm.rb " exit end inedges = false nodes = [] currentnodes = [] lineno = 0 File.foreach(ARGV[0]) do |line| lineno += 1 linearray = line.chomp.split unless inedges then if linearray == [] then #do nothing elsif linearray[0].downcase == "comment:" then #do nothing elsif linearray[0].downcase == "nodes:" then #do nothing #ignore line for backwards compatability elsif linearray[0].downcase == "start:" then tempsnode = do |node| == linearray[1] end if tempsnode.length == 0 then startnode = linearray[1] nodes.push startnode currentnodes.push startnode else currentnodes.push tempsnode[0] end elsif linearray[0].downcase == "accept:" then linearray[1..-1].each do |node| anodes = do |inode| node == end if anodes.length == 0 then mynode = node, true nodes.push mynode else anodes[0].accepting! end end elsif linearray[0].downcase == "edges:" then inedges = true else puts "Syntax error at line #{lineno}" puts line exit end else if linearray[0].downcase == "end:" then inedges = false else fnode = nil tnode = nil fnodes = do |node| == linearray[0] end if fnodes.length == 0 then fnode = linearray[0] nodes.push fnode else fnode = fnodes[0] end tnodes = do |node| == linearray[2] end if tnodes.length == 0 then tnode = linearray[2] nodes.push tnode else tnode = tnodes[0] end if linearray[1].downcase == "epsilon:" or linearray[1].downcase == "lambda:" then fnode.pushedge :lambda, tnode else fnode.pushedge linearray[1], tnode end end end end def printnodes nodes print "{" nodes.each do |node| if node.accepting? then print "((#{}))," else print "(#{})," end end print "}" end ARGV[1].chomp.split.each do |input| printnodes currentnodes nextnodes = [] currentnodes.each do |node| nextnode = node.goto input unless nextnode == :reject nextnode.each do |x| nextnodes.push x end end end oldnext = nextnodes.dup begin epsnodes = [] nextnodes.each do |node| tmp = node.goto :lambda tmp.each do |x| epsnodes.push tmp end end epsnodes.each do |node| nextnodes.push node end end while oldnext != nextnodes if nextnodes == [] then puts puts "Invalid input, REJECTED" exit else currentnodes = nextnodes end end printnodes currentnodes acc = false currentnodes.each do |node| acc = true if node.accepting? end if acc then puts "Valid input, ACCEPTED" else puts "Invalid input, REJECTED" end