#!/usr/bin/ruby # # Back up this system to a byteback-enabled server (just some command line # tools and SSH setup). We aim to make sure this backups are easy, complete # and safe for most types of hosting customer. # # See 'man byteback' for more information. require 'resolv' $LOAD_PATH.unshift('/usr/lib/byteback') require 'trollop' require 'byteback/util' require 'byteback/log' include Byteback::Util include Byteback::Log ME = $PROGRAM_NAME.split('/').last opts = Trollop.options do banner "#{ME}: Back up this system to a byteback-enabled server\n " opt :destination, 'Backup destination (i.e. user@host:/path)', :type => :string opt :source, 'Source paths', :type => :strings, :default => ['/'] opt :exclude, 'Paths to exclude', :type => :strings, :short => 'x' opt :verbose, 'Show debugging messages' opt :retry_number, 'Number of retries on error', :type => :integer, :default => 3 opt :retry_delay, 'Number of seconds between retries after an error', :type => :integer, :default => 300 opt :ssh_key, 'SSH key filename', :type => :string, :default => '/etc/byteback/key', :short => 'k' opt :help, 'Show this message', :short => 'h' banner "\nAdditional excludes can be specified using /etc/byteback/rsync_filter, which is an rsync filter file. See the rsync man page for information on how this works.\n" end lock_out_other_processes('byteback-backup') @ssh_key = opts[:ssh_key] @verbose = opts[:verbose] ? '--verbose' : nil @sources = opts[:source] if opts[:source] @excludes = opts[:exclude] if opts[:exclude] @destination = opts[:destination] @retry_number = opts[:retry_number] @retry_delay = opts[:retry_delay] # Read the default destination if File.exist?('/etc/byteback/destination') @destination = File.read('/etc/byteback/destination').chomp end # Set the default SSH key if File.exist?('/etc/byteback/key') @ssh_key = '/etc/byteback/key' end # # Check our destination # if @destination =~ /^(?:(.+)@)?([^@:]+):(.+)?$/ @destination_user, @destination_host, @destination_path = [Regexp.last_match(1), Regexp.last_match(2), Regexp.last_match(3)] else fatal('Destination must be a remote path, e.g. ssh@host.com:/store/backups') end # # Validate & normalise source directories # @sources = ['/'] if @sources.nil? fatal('No sources specified') if @sources.empty? @sources = @sources.map do |s| s = s.gsub(/\/+/, '/') fatal("Can't read directory #{s}") unless File.readable?(s) s end # Automatically exclude anything mounted on a non-local filesystem, plus # various cache and temporary directories common on Bytemark & Debian # systems # if @excludes.nil? PROBABLY_LOCAL = %w( btrfs ext2 ext3 ext4 reiserfs xfs nilfs jfs reiser4 zfs rootfs ) COMMON_JUNK = %w( /swap.file /tmp /var/backups/localhost /var/cache/apt/archives /var/lib/php5 /var/tmp ) MOUNT_HEADINGS = %w( spec file vfstype mntops freq passno ).map(&:to_sym) mounts = File.read('/proc/mounts').split("\n").map do |line| Hash[MOUNT_HEADINGS.zip(line.split(' '))] end @excludes = mounts.select { |m| !PROBABLY_LOCAL.include?(m[:vfstype]) }.map { |m| m[:file] } + COMMON_JUNK.select { |f| File.exist?(f) } end @excludes = @excludes.map do |e| e.gsub(/\/+/, '/') end fatal('Must suply --destination or put it into /etc/bytebackup/destination') unless @destination # # Test ssh connection is good before we start # fatal("Could not read ssh key #{@ssh_key}") unless File.readable?(@ssh_key) def ssh(*ssh_args) args = ['ssh', '-o', 'BatchMode=yes', '-o', 'ConnectionAttempts=5', '-o', 'ConnectTimeout=30', '-o', 'ServerAliveInterval=60', '-o', 'TCPKeepAlive=yes', '-x', '-a', '-i', @ssh_key, '-l', @destination_user, @destination_host ] + ssh_args.map { |a| a ? a : '' } log_system(*args) end fatal("Could not connect to #{@destination}") unless ssh('byteback-receive', '--ping', @verbose) == 0 # # Call rsync to copy certain sources, returns exit status (see man rsync) # def rsync(*sources) # Default options include --inplace because we only care about consistency # at the end of the job, and rsync will do more work for big files without # it. # # The timeout is set to 12 hours - rsync can spend a long time at the # far end checking over its files at the far end without transfer, so we # want to wait as long as possible without jeopardising the timing of the # next backup run. Obviously if rsync itself takes nearly 24 hours for a # given filesystem, daily backups (with this tool) are out of the question. # args = %w( rsync --archive --numeric-ids --delete-delay --inplace --relative --timeout 43200 ) args += ['--rsh', "ssh -o BatchMode=yes -x -a -i #{@ssh_key} -l #{@destination_user}"] args << '--verbose' if @verbose args += @excludes.map { |x| ['--exclude', x] }.flatten # # Add in the rsync excludes and sources files, if present. # if File.exist?('/etc/byteback/excludes') args += ['--exclude-from', '/etc/byteback/excludes'] end # # Add in an rsync_filter if required. # if File.exist?('/etc/byteback/rsync_filter') args += ['--filter', 'merge /etc/byteback/rsync_filter'] end # # To add extra rsync flags, a file can be used. This can have flags all on one line, or one per line. # if File.exist?('/etc/byteback/rsync_flags') args += File.readlines('/etc/byteback/rsync_flags').map(&:chomp) end args += ['--rsync-path', 'rsync --fake-super'] args += sources args << @destination log_system(*args) end # # We treat exit statuses 0 and 24 as success; 0 is "Success"; 24 is "Partial # transfer due to vanished source files", which we treat as success otherwise # on some hosts the backup process never finishes. # RSYNC_EXIT_STATUSES_TO_ACCEPT = [0, 24] RSYNC_EXIT_STATUSES_TO_RETRY_ON = [10, 11, 20, 21, 22, 23, 30] # Run the file copy, retrying if necessary # loop do status = rsync(*@sources) if RSYNC_EXIT_STATUSES_TO_ACCEPT.any? { |s| s === status } break elsif RSYNC_EXIT_STATUSES_TO_RETRY_ON.any? { |s| s === status } warn "rsync exited with status #{status}" if @retry_number > 0 warn "rsync will retry #{@retry_number} more times, sleeping #{@retry_delay}s" @retry_number -= 1 sleep @retry_delay redo else fatal('Maximum number of rsync retries reached') end else fatal("Fatal rsync error occurred (#{status})") end end info('Backup completed, requesting snapshot') # Mark the backup as done on the other end # fatal('Backup could not be marked complete') unless ssh('byteback-receive', '--complete', @verbose) == 0 info('Finished')