#!/usr/bin/ruby # # Called by byteback-setup-client to set up a new byteback-setup-client # $LOAD_PATH.unshift('/usr/lib/byteback') require 'fileutils' require 'trollop' require 'byteback/util' require 'byteback/log' include Byteback::Util include Byteback::Log def error(message) STDERR.print "*** #{message}\n" exit 1 end @hostname = ARGV.shift @pubkey = ARGV.join(' ') error('You must call this from byteback-setup-client on remote host') unless @hostname && /^ssh/.match(@pubkey) && ENV['SSH_CONNECTION'] @client_ip = ENV['SSH_CONNECTION'].split(' ').first Dir.chdir(ENV['HOME']) # don't know why we wouldn't be here FileUtils.mkdir_p(@hostname) error("Couldn't create btrfs subvolume") unless system("/sbin/btrfs subvolume create #{@hostname}/current") FileUtils.mkdir_p('.ssh') if File.exist?('.ssh/authorized_keys') && File.read('.ssh/authorized_keys').match(@pubkey.split(/\s+/)[1]) warn('This key already exists in .ssh/authorized_keys on server, nothing to do!') else File.open('.ssh/authorized_keys', 'a+') do |fh| fh.print <<-LINE.gsub(/\n/, '') + "\n" command="byteback-receive", from="#{@client_ip}", environment="BYTEBACK_HOST=#{@hostname}" #{@pubkey} LINE end end