#!/usr/bin/ruby # # Program to create a snapshot and/or rotate a directory of backup snapshots # using btrfs subvolume commands. # $LOAD_PATH.unshift('/usr/lib/byteback') require 'trollop' require 'byteback' include Byteback include Byteback::Log opts = Trollop.options do opt :root, 'Backups directory (must be a btrfs subvolume)', :type => :string opt :snapshot, '(ignored for compatibility)' opt :verbose, 'Print diagnostics' end @root = opts[:root] @verbose = opts[:verbose] fatal('--root not readable') unless File.directory?("#{@root}") @backups = BackupDirectory.new(@root) snapshots = @backups.snapshots unless snapshots.empty? last_snapshot_time = snapshots.last.time fatal('Last snapshot was less than six hours ago') unless !last_snapshot_time || Time.now - last_snapshot_time >= 6 * 60 * 60 # FIXME: make configurable end info 'Making new snapshot' @backups.new_snapshot! info 'Finished'