#!/usr/bin/ruby # # Restore a file from the most recent backup, from the remote host. # $LOAD_PATH.unshift("/usr/lib/byteback") $LOAD_PATH.unshift("./lib/") require 'trollop' # # Show an error message and abort. # def fatal( str ) STDERR.puts( str ) exit(1) end # # Run a remote command. # def ssh(*ssh_args) args = ["ssh", "-o", "BatchMode=yes", "-o", "ConnectionAttempts=5", "-o", "ConnectTimeout=30", "-o", "ServerAliveInterval=60", "-o", "TCPKeepAlive=yes", "-x", "-a", "-i", @ssh_key, "-l", @destination_user, @destination_host ] + ssh_args. map { |a| a ? a : "" } system(*args) end def list_files( pattern ) ssh("byteback-receive", "--list", pattern ) end def restore_file( path, revision ) puts "Restoring revision #{revision} of file #{path}" end # # Parse our command-line arguments # opts = Trollop::options do banner "byteback-restore: Restore a file\n " opt :file, "The file to restore", :type => :string opt :revision, "The version of the file to restore - default is 'latest'", :type => :string opt :destination, "Backup destination (i.e. user@host:/path)", :type => :string opt :ssh_key, "SSH key filename", :type => :string, :default => "/etc/byteback/key", :short => "k" end # # Setup default destination and key. # @destination = File.read("/etc/byteback/destination").chomp if File.exists?("/etc/byteback/destination") @ssh_key = "/etc/byteback/key" if File.exists?("/etc/byteback/key") # # Allow the command-line to override them. # @ssh_key = opts[:ssh_key] unless( opts[:ssh_key].nil?) @destination = opts[:destination] unless ( opts[:destination].nil? ) # # Check our destination is well-formed # if @destination =~ /^(?:(.+)@)?([^@:]+):(.+)?$/ @destination_user, @destination_host, @destination_path = [$1, $2, $3] else fatal("Destination must be a remote path, e.g. ssh@host.com:/store/backups") end # # If the user didn't specify a file then we're not restoring anything, # and we should abort. # if ( opts[:file].nil? ) fatal("You must specify a file to restore" ) end # # If the user specified a file, but not a revision, then we list # the available revisions. # if ( opts[:revision].nil? ) list_files( opts[:file] ) exit(0) end # # Restore a file # restore_file( opts[:file], opts[:revision] ) exit(0)