#!/usr/bin/ruby # # Run on a client machine to set up backups for the first time $: << '/usr/lib/byteback' require 'fileutils' require 'trollop' require 'byteback/util' require 'byteback/log' include Byteback::Util include Byteback::Log def error(message) STDERR.print "*** #{message}\n" exit 1 end def verbose(message) print "#{message}\n" end opts = Trollop::options do opt :hostname, "Set host name for backups", :type => :string opt :destination, "Backup destination (i.e. user@host:/path)", :type => :string end @destination = opts[:destination] @hostname = opts[:hostname] _dummy, @destination_user, @destination_host, colon, @destination_path = /^(.*)?(?:@)([^:]+)(:)(.*)?$/.match(@destination).to_a @destination_user ||= 'byteback' @destination_path ||= '' @destination_host ||= @destination if !@hostname @hostname = `hostname -f`.chomp warn "No hostname set, using #{@hostname}\n" end FileUtils.mkdir_p("/etc/byteback") if File.readable?("/etc/byteback/key") warn "Skipping key generation, delete /etc/byteback/key if that's wrong" else error "Couldn't generate SSH key" unless system <<-KEYGEN ssh-keygen -q -t rsa -C "byteback client key" \ -N "" -f /etc/byteback/key KEYGEN end key_pub = File.read("/etc/byteback/key.pub").chomp error "Remote setup didn't work" unless system("ssh -i /etc/byteback/key -l #{@destination_user} #{@destination_host} byteback-setup-client-receive #{@hostname} #{key_pub}") File.open("/etc/byteback/destination", "w") do |f| f.print "#{@destination_user}@#{@destination_host}:#{@destination_path}" end print "Setup worked! To take your first backup run: byteback-backup --verbose\n"