module Byteback # Represents a particular timestamped backup directory class Snapshot class << self # What order to remove snapshots in to regain disk space? # # Order backups by their closeness to defined backup times, which are # listed in a set order (i.e. today's backup is more important than yesterday's). # BACKUP_IMPORTANCE = [0, 1, 2, 7, 14, 21, 28, 56, 112] def sort_by_importance(snapshots_unsorted, snapshots_sorted = [] # FIXME: takes about a minute to sort 900 items, # seems like that ought to be quicker than O(n^2) # while !snapshots_unsorted.empty? BACKUP_IMPORTANCE.each do |days| target_time = now - (days*86400) closest = snapshots_unsorted.inject(nil) do |best, snapshot| if best.nil? || (snapshot.time-target_time).abs < (best.time-target_time).abs snapshot else best end end break unless closest snapshots_sorted << snapshots_unsorted.delete(closest) end end snapshots_sorted end end attr_reader :backup_directory, :path def initialize(backup_directory, snapshot_path) @backup_directory = backup_directory @path = snapshot_path time # throws ArgumentError if it can't parse nil end def time Time.parse(path) end def <=>(b) time <=> b.time end def create!(from) system_no_error("/sbin/btrfs subvolume snapshot #{from} #{path}") end def delete! system_no_error("/sbin/btrfs subvolume delete #{path}") end # Returns the size of the given snapshot (runs du, may be slow) # # Would much prefer to take advantage of this feature: # # but it's not currently in Debian/wheezy. # def du `du -s -b #{path}`.to_i end protected def system_no_error(*args) args[-1] += " > /dev/null" unless @verbose raise"Command failed: "+args.join(" ")) unless system(*args) end end # Represent a directory full of backups where "current" is a subvolume # which is snapshotted to frozen backup directories called e.g. # "yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm+zzzz". # class BackupDirectory class << self # Return all backup directories # def all['HOME']) do |entry| next if entry[0] == '.' name = File.expand_path(ENV['HOME'] + "/" + entry) + "/current") ? : nil end. compact end # Returns every snapshot in every backup directory # def all_snapshots { |dir| dir.snapshots }.flatten end end attr_reader :dir def initialize(dir) @dir = raise Errno::ENOENT unless current end # Return total amount of free space in backup directory (bytes) # def free df = - df.used end # Return an array of Times representing the current list of # snapshots. # def snapshots do |entry| next if entry[0] == '.' || entry == 'current' snapshot_path = File.expand_path(@dir.path + "/" + entry) next unless begin, snapshot_path) rescue ArgumentError => ae # directory name must represent a parseable Time nil end end. compact end # Create a new snapshot of 'current' # def new_snapshot!(time = snapshot_path = time.strftime(dir.path + "/%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M%z"), snapshot_path).create!(current.path) end def current"#{dir.path}/current") end end end