require 'sys/filesystem' module Byteback class DiskFreeReading <, :time) def initialize(fsstat, time = self.fsstat = fsstat self.time = time end # helper method to return %age of disc space free # def percent_free fsstat.blocks_available * 100 / fsstat.blocks end end # A simple round-robin list to store a short history of a given mount # point's disk space history. # class DiskFreeHistory attr_reader :mountpoint, :history_file MINIMUM_INTERVAL = 5 * 60 # don't take readings more than 5 mins apart MAXIMUM_AGE = 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 # delete readings after a week # Initialize a new list storing the disc space history for the given # mount point. # def initialize(mountpoint, history_file = nil) history_file = "#{mountpoint}/.disk_free_history" unless history_file @history_file = history_file @mountpoint = mountpoint load! end # Take a new reading # def new_reading! reading = # Don't record a new reading if it's exactly the same as last time, # and less than the minimum interval. # return nil if @list.last && @list.last.fsstat.blocks_available == reading.fsstat.blocks_available && - @list.last.time < MINIMUM_INTERVAL @list << reading save! end def list load! unless @list @list end def gradient(last_n_seconds, &value_from_reading) value_from_reading ||= proc { |r| r.fsstat.blocks_available } earliest = - last_n_seconds total = 0 readings = 0 later_reading = nil list.reverse.each do |reading| if later_reading difference = - total += difference end readings += 1 break if reading.time < earliest later_reading = reading end return 0 if readings == 0 total / readings end protected def load! do |fh| @list = Marshal.restore( end rescue Errno::ENOENT, TypeError => err @list = [] new_reading! end def save! list.shift while - list.first.time > MAXIMUM_AGE tmp = "#{@history_file}.#{$PROCESS_ID}.#{rand(9_999_999_999)}" begin, 'w') do |fh| fh.write(Marshal.dump(list)) File.rename(tmp, @history_file) end ensure File.unlink(tmp) if File.exist?(tmp) end end end end