require 'tempfile' module Byteback module Util @@lockfile = "/var/lock/byteback/byteback.lock" def remove_lockfile! begin File.unlink(@@lockfile) rescue Errno::ENOENT end end def claim_lockfile! # Check the lockfile first if if File.exists? @@lockfile # check the lockfile is sane exist_pid = if exist_pid > 1 and exist_pid < ("/proc/sys/kernel/pid_max").to_i) begin Process.getpgid(exist_pid) # if no exception, process is running, abort fatal("Process is running (#{exist_pid} from #{@@lockfile})") rescue Errno::ESRCH # no process running with that pid, pidfile is stale remove_lockfile! end else # lockfile isn't sane, remove it and continue remove_lockfile! end end else Dir.mkdir(File.dirname(@@lockfile)) # lockfile didn't exist so just carry on end # Own the pidfile ourselves, "w") do |lockfile| lockfile.puts Process::pid end end def lock_out_other_processes(name) @@lockfile = "/var/lock/byteback/#{name}.lock" claim_lockfile! at_exit { remove_lockfile! } end def log_system(*args) debug("system: " + { |a| / /.match(a) ? "\"#{a}\"" : a }.join(" ")) rd, wr = IO.pipe pid = fork if pid.nil? # child rd.close STDOUT.reopen(wr) STDERR.reopen(wr) # any cleanup actually necessary here? exec(*args) end wr.close rd.each_line { |line| debug(line.chomp) } pid2, status = Process.waitpid2(pid, 0) status.exitstatus end end end