require 'test/unit' require 'byteback/restore' require 'tmpdir' require 'time' require 'fileutils' class RestoreTest < Test::Unit::TestCase def setup @byteback_root = Dir.mktmpdir end def teardown FileUtils.remove_entry_secure @byteback_root end def test_find create_snapshot_and_check_results( end def test_no_barf_on_non_timestamp_snapshot_name create_snapshot_and_check_results('saved-hacked-do-not-delete') end def create_snapshot_and_check_results(snapshot) FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.join(@byteback_root, snapshot)) files = %w(/srv/ /srv/ files.each do |f| FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.join(@byteback_root, snapshot, File.dirname(f))) FileUtils.touch(File.join(@byteback_root, snapshot, f)) system("setfattr --name user.rsync.%stat -v \"41755 12,34 56:78\" #{File.join(@byteback_root, snapshot, f)}") assert_equal(0, $CHILD_STATUS.exitstatus) end r = Byteback::Restore.find(@byteback_root, '*', '/srv/*.html') assert(r.results.all? { |f| f.path =~ %r{/srv/*.html} }, 'Results returned did not match requested pattern') assert(r.results.all? { |f| f.snapshot == snapshot }, 'Results returned were not from the correct snapshot') # Now check that we're getting the correct stuff from the rsync attr. f = r.results.first assert_equal(041755, f.mode, 'Incorrect mode returned') assert_equal(12, f.dev_major, 'Incorrect dev_major returned') assert_equal(34, f.dev_minor, 'Incorrect dev_minor returned') assert_equal(56, f.uid, 'Incorrect UID returned') assert_equal(78, f.gid, 'Inocrrect GID returned') end end