Source: Copyright: Copyright (c) 2012 Bytemark Computer Consulting Ltd Licence: This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. About Custodian --------------- Custodian is a simple, scalable, and reliable protocol-tester that allows a number of services to be tested across a network. The core design is based upon a work queue, which has manipulated by two main scripts: custodian-enqueue * A parser that reads a list of hosts and tests to apply. These tests are broken down into individual jobs, serialized and stored in a central queue. custodian-dequeue * A tool that pulls jobs from the queue, executing them in turn, and raises/clears alerts based upon the result of the test. Implementation -------------- In brief we accept four distinct kinds of line: 1. Comments ------------ Comments are lines that are blank or which begin with the comment-character ("#"). 2. Macro Definitions --------------------- There are three types of macros: FOO_HOSTS is and and FOO_HOSTS are and and FOO_HOSTS are fetched from We accept each of these, with the caveat that macro-names must match the regular expression ^[0-9A-Z_]$. 3. Service Tests ----------------- Service tests are best explained by several examples: SWITCHES must run ssh otherwise 'Bytemark networking infrastructure: switch'. must run ftp on 21 otherwise 'Bytemark Mirror: FTP failure'. The general case is: hostname|macro must run XXX [on NN] otherwise 'alert'. If we restrict ourself to saying that every test must be named by the service that is under test then we can generalize them. This means we'll invoke the ftp-handler for foo.vm must run ftp otherwise 'alert text'. The bar-handler for the line: must run bar otherwise 'alert text'. The JSON which we serialize will also have "test_type:ftp", and "test_type:bar", respectively. 4. Ping Tests ------------- Ping tests are of the form: FOO must ping otherwise 'alert text'. must ping otherwise 'alert text'. These are a simplification of the service tests, because the only real difference is that we write "must ping" rather than "must run ping" - to that end we silently rewrite any line which reads: (.*) must ping (.*) This becomes: $1 must run ping $2 This allows the line to be parsed by the previous service-test rules.