
    Copyright (c) 2012 Bytemark Computer Consulting Ltd

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

About Custodian

Custodian is a simple, scalable, and reliable protocol-tester that allows
a number of services to be tested across a network.

The core design is based upon a work queue, which has manipulated by
two main scripts:

    * A parser that reads a list of hosts and tests to apply.  These
      tests are broken down into individual jobs, serialized and stored
      in a central queue.

    * A tool that pulls jobs from the queue, executing them in turn, and
      raises/clears alerts based upon the result of the test.


  In brief we accept four distinct kinds of line:

  Comments are lines that are blank or which begin with the comment-character ("#").

  2. Macro Definitions
  There are two types of macros:

     FOO_HOSTS are and and
     FOO_HOSTS are fetched from

  We accept each of these, with the caveat that macro-names must match the regular
 expression ^[0-9A-Z_]$.  Note that it is an error to redefine an existing macro-name.

  3.  Service Tests
  Service tests are best explained by several examples:

     SWITCHES must run ssh otherwise 'Bytemark networking infrastructure: switch'. must run ftp on 21 otherwise 'Bytemark Mirror: FTP failure'.

  The general case is:

     url|ip|hostname|macro must run XXX (extra args) otherwise 'alert'.

  We use a class-factory to instantiate tests, so the service name being tested  corresponds
  directly to the protocol-tester in our source tree.

  4. Ping Tests
  Ping tests are of the form:

     FOO must ping otherwise 'alert text'. must ping otherwise 'alert text'.

  These are a simplification of the service tests, because the only real difference
  is that we write "must ping" rather than "must run ping" - to that end we silently
  rewrite any line which reads:

    (.*) must ping (.*)

  This becomes:

    $1 must run ping $2

  This allows the line to be parsed by the previous service-test rules.