#!/usr/bin/ruby1.8 # # NAME # custodian-enqueue - Insert sentinel-probes into a queue. # # SYNOPSIS # custodian-enqueue [ -h | --help ] # [ -m | --manual] # [ -f | --file FILE] # [ -d | --dump ] # [ | --test ] # [ -t | --timeout N ] # # OPTIONS # # -h, --help Show a help message, and exit. # # -m, --manual Show this manual, and exit. # # -d, --dump Dump the generated JSON to the console; don't insert in the queue. # # --test Test the parsing of the given file, alert on errors. # # -f, --file FILE Parse the given configuration file. # # -t, --timeout N Specify the timeout period for the tests. # # # ABOUT # # This tool reads a single configuration file and parses it into a # series of network & protocol tests. These tests are serialized # into JSON, and stored in a beanstalkd queue. # # The intention is that the tests will be pulled from the queue and # executed by the companion program custodian-dequeue. The dequeing # process may occur up numerous other hosts # # CONFIGURATION FILE # # The configuration file is 99% compatible with that used in the tool # custodian replaces. # # # AUTHOR # # Steve Kemp <steve@bytemark.co.uk> # # # Implementation of our parser. # require 'custodian/parser' # # Entry-point to our code. # if __FILE__ == $0 then $help = false $manual = false begin opts = GetoptLong.new( [ "--dump", "-d", GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ], [ "--test", GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ], [ "--file", "-f", GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ], [ "--help", "-h", GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ], [ "--manual","-m", GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ], [ "--timeout","-t", GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ] ) opts.each do |opt, arg| case opt when "--dump" then ENV["DUMP"] = "1" when "--test" then ENV["TEST"] = "1" when "--file" then ENV["FILE"] = arg when "--timeout" then ENV["TIMEOUT"] = arg when "--help" then $help = true when "--manual" then $manual = true end end rescue StandardError => ex puts "Option parsing failed: #{ex.to_s}" exit end # # CAUTION! Here be quality kode. # if $manual or $help # Open the file, stripping the shebang line lines = File.open(__FILE__){|fh| fh.readlines}[1..-1] found_synopsis = false lines.each do |line| line.chomp! break if line.empty? if $help and !found_synopsis found_synopsis = (line =~ /^#\s+SYNOPSIS\s*$/) next end puts line[2..-1].to_s break if $help and found_synopsis and line =~ /^#\s*$/ end exit 0 end # # Create the parser # mon = MonitorConfig.new( ENV['FILE'] ) # # Set the timeout # if ( !ENV['TIMEOUT'].nil? ) mon.set_timeout( ENV['TIMEOUT'] ) end # # Run # mon.parse_file() # # If there were errors then we'll not get this far. # if ( File.exists?( "/etc/mauvealert/mauvesend.destination" ) ) # # Inititate a heartbeat # system( "mauvesend alert.bytemark.co.uk -i custodian-enqueue -c now -r +10m -s \"heartbeat failed for custodian-enqueue.\" --detail=\"<p>The heartbeat wasn't sent for custodian-enqueue - This means that new tests are not being pushed into the <tt>beanstalkd</tt> queue, and our monitoring is potentially broken</p>\" " ) end end