# This configuration file controls global settings for the
# custodian alerter.  The commented out values are the default

# The address if the beanstalkd server to use
# queue_server =

# The alerting method to use
# alerter = smtp

# The target of the alert is alerter-specific.
# For alerter=smtp the target is the email address to notify.
#   alerter_target = root@localhost
# For alerter=mauve the target is the host to notify
#   alerter_target = alert.bytemark.co.uk
# For alerter=file the target is the logfile to write to.
#   alerter_target = /tmp/alerts.log

# The log-file to use for the worker
# log_file = custodian-dequeue.log

# The timeout period to use for tests
# timeout = 30