require 'custodian/testfactory' # # The LDAP-protocol test. # # This object is instantiated if the parser sees a line such as: # ### ### must run ldap with username 'user' and password 'xx' otherwise 'auth-server fail'. ### # # The specification of the port is optional and defaults to 389. # module Custodian module ProtocolTest class LDAPTest < TestFactory # # Constructor # def initialize(line) # # Save the line. # @line = line # # Save the host # @host = line.split(/\s+/)[0] # # The username/password # @ldap_user = nil @ldap_pass = nil if line =~ /with\s+username\s+'([^']+)'/ @ldap_user = $1.dup end if line =~ /with\s+password\s+'([^']+)'/ @ldap_pass = $1.dup end if @ldap_user.nil? raise ArgumentError, "No username specified: #{@line}" end if @ldap_pass.nil? raise ArgumentError, "No password specified: #{@line}" end # # Save the port # if line =~ /on\s+([0-9]+)/ @port = $1.dup.to_i else @port = 389 end end # # Allow this test to be serialized. # def to_s @line end # # Run the test. # def run_test begin require 'ldap' rescue LoadError @error = 'LDAP library not available - test disabled' return Custodian::TestResult::TEST_FAILED end # reset the error, in case we were previously executed. @error = nil begin # Connect. ldap =, @port) ldap.set_option(LDAP::LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3) # Hardwired search is bad.. base = 'ou=groups,dc=bytemark,dc=co,dc=uk' scope = LDAP::LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE filter = '(cn=vpn*)' attrs = ['sn', 'cn'] # Bind. ldap.bind(@ldap_user, @ldap_pass) if ldap.bound? # # Search #, scope, filter, attrs) { |entry| puts "We found an LDAP result #{entry.vals('cn')}" } ldap.unbind return Custodian::TestResult::TEST_PASSED else @error = "failed to bind to LDAP server '#{@host}' with username '#{@ldap_user}' and password '#{@ldap_pass}'" return Custodian::TestResult::TEST_FAILED end rescue LDAP::ResultError => ex @error = "LDAP exception: #{ex} when talking to LDAP server '#{@host}' with username '#{@ldap_user}' and password '#{@ldap_pass}'" return Custodian::TestResult::TEST_FAILED end @error = "LDAP server test failed against '#{@host}' with username '#{@ldap_user}' and password '#{@ldap_pass}'" Custodian::TestResult::TEST_FAILED end # # If the test fails then report the error. # def error @error end register_test_type 'ldap' end end end