require 'custodian/settings' require 'custodian/testfactory' # # The ping test. # # This object is instantiated if the parser sees a line such as: # ### ### DNSHOSTS must run ping otherwise .. ### # # We take care to resolve any value we test, so that we can test explicitly # for the family involved. (i.e. If we're ping-testing then # we will explicitly look for an IPv4 and IPv6 address to test, rather than # just using ''.) # # module Custodian module ProtocolTest class PINGTest < TestFactory # # Constructor # def initialize(line) # # Save the line # @line = line # # Save the host # @host = line.split(/\s+/)[0] end # # Allow this test to be serialized. # def to_s @line end # # Run the test. # def run_test # # Find the binary we're going to invoke. # binary = nil binary = './bin/multi-ping' binary = '/usr/bin/multi-ping' if File.exist?('/usr/bin/multi-ping') if binary.nil? @error = "Failed to find '/usr/bin/multi-ping'" return Custodian::TestResult::TEST_FAILED end # # Sanity check the hostname for ping-tests, to # avoid this security hole: # # $(/tmp/ must run ping .. # if @host !~ /^([a-zA-Z0-9:\-\.]+)$/ @error = "Invalid hostname for ping-test: #{@host}" return Custodian::TestResult::TEST_FAILED end # # Get the timeout period. # settings = Custodian::Settings.instance period = settings.timeout # # Perform the DNS lookups of the specified name. # ips = [] # # Does the name look like an IP? # begin x = if x.ipv4? or x.ipv6? ips.push(@host) end rescue ArgumentError end # # Both types? # do_ipv6 = true do_ipv4 = true # # Allow the test to disable one/both # if @line =~ /ipv4_only/ do_ipv6 = false end if @line =~ /ipv6_only/ do_ipv4 = false end # # OK if it didn't look like an IP address then attempt to # look it up, as both IPv4 and IPv6. # begin timeout(period) do do |dns| if do_ipv4 ress = dns.getresources(@host, Resolv::DNS::Resource::IN::A) { |r| ips.push(r.address.to_s) } end if do_ipv6 ress = dns.getresources(@host, Resolv::DNS::Resource::IN::AAAA) { |r| ips.push(r.address.to_s) } end end end rescue Timeout::Error => e @error = "Timed-out performing DNS lookups: #{e}" return Custodian::TestResult::TEST_FAILED end # # Did we fail to perform a DNS lookup? # if ips.empty? @error = "#{@host} failed to resolve to either IPv4 or IPv6" return Custodian::TestResult::TEST_FAILED end # # Run the test, avoiding the use of the shell, for each of the # IPv4 and IPv6 addresses we discovered, or the host that we # were given. # ips.each do |ip| if (system(binary, ip) != true) @error = "Ping failed for #{ip} - from #{@host} " return Custodian::TestResult::TEST_FAILED end end # # If there was a failure then the previous loop would have # set the @error value and returned false. # # So by the time we reach here we know that all the addresses # were pingable. # Custodian::TestResult::TEST_PASSED end # # If the test fails then report the error. # def error @error end register_test_type 'ping' end end end