require 'custodian/testfactory' require 'openssl' require 'socket' require 'uri' require 'timeout' # # This is the class which tests the SSL certificate associated with a # given URL. # class SSLCheck ALL_TESTS = [:signature, :valid_from, :valid_to, :subject, :sslv3_disabled, :signing_algorithm] attr_reader :errors # This is a helper for console-debugging. def verbose(msg) (msg) end # # Takes one parameter -- the URL. # def initialize(uri) raise ArgumentError, 'URI must be a string' unless uri.is_a?(String) @uri = URI.parse(uri) @domain = @key = nil @certificate = nil @certificate_store = nil @tests = ALL_TESTS @errors = [] end # # Returns the URI # def uri @uri end alias :url :uri # # Returns the domain. This is initially set to the "host" part of the URI. # def domain @domain end # # Allows the domain to be set manually. # def domain=(d) raise ArgumentError, 'domain must be a String' unless d.is_a?(String) @domain = d end # # Returns the tests to be carried out for this URI # def tests @tests end # # Allows the tests to be set. Should an array of strings or symbols. Only # ones from ALL_TESTS are taken. Anything else is ignored. # def tests=(ts) raise ArgumentError, 'tests must be an Array' unless ts.is_a?(Array) @tests = ts.collect { |t| t.to_sym }.select { |t| ALL_TESTS.include?(t) } @tests end # # Returns the SSL key (if any) # def key @key end # # Allows an SSL RSA key to be set. Used for self-signed cert verification. # Probably not much use here. # def key=(k) raise ArgumentError, 'key must be a String' unless k.is_a?(String) if k =~ /-----BEGIN/ @key = else @key = end end # # This allows a bundle to be set. This is useful if a site is known to be # serving a good cert+bundle, but for some reason openssl isn't validating it # properly. # # This method is also used to include any peer_cert_chain from the SSL socket. # def bundle=(b) if b.is_a?(String) if b =~ /-----BEGIN CERT/ self.certificate_store.add_cert( else self.certificate_store.add_file(b) end elsif b.is_a?(Array) b.each do |c| begin self.certificate_store.add_cert(c) rescue OpenSSL::X509::StoreError # do nothing .. end end elsif b.is_a?(OpenSSL::X509::Certificate) self.certificate_store.add_cert(b) else raise ArgumentError, 'bundle must be a String, an Array, or an OpenSSL::X509::Certificate' end b end # # This returns the certificate store used for validating certs. # def certificate_store return @certificate_store if @certificate_store.is_a?(OpenSSL::X509::Store) @certificate_store = @certificate_store.set_default_paths @certificate_store.add_path('/etc/ssl/certs') @certificate_store end # # This is a fall-back method which is used to retrieve the certificate # from the remote host in the case where fetching natively fails. # # It is obviously not a great method, because we shouldn't need to # be shelling out to a command-line application over using our # native/available SSL library. # # Beyond the ropy nature of this method there is another problem: # we cannot fetch the bundle the remote-server might send us. # # So if this method is used `@fallback` is set to `true` such that # we only validate the certificate is non-expired, and not that it # is valid. # def certificate_fallback cert = "" in_cert = false # Run the command. out = `echo "" | openssl s_client -servername #{} -connect #{}:#{uri.port} 2>/dev/null` # For each line of the output out.split( /[\r\n]/ ).each do |line| # Are we in a certificate? in_cert = true if ( line =~ /BEGIN CERT/ ) # If so append the line. if ( in_cert ) cert += line cert += "\n" end # Are we at the end? in_cert = false if ( line =~ /END CERT/ ) end # Return the certificate cert end # # This connects to a host, and fetches its certificate and bundle # def certificate return @certificate if @certificate.is_a?(OpenSSL::X509::Certificate) s = nil ctx = retried = false begin Timeout.timeout(10) do s =, uri.port) s =, ctx) s.sync_close = true # Setup a hostname for SNI-purposes. begin s.hostname = rescue NoMethodError => _err # SNI isn't possible, as the SSL library is too old. end s.connect @certificate = s.peer_cert self.bundle = s.peer_cert_chain s.close end rescue OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError => err unless retried # # retry with a different context # retried = true ctx = retry end self.errors << verbose("*Caught #{err.class}* (#{err}) when connecting to #{}:#{uri.port}") rescue StandardError, Timeout::Error => err self.errors << verbose("*Caught #{err.class}* (#{err}) when connecting to #{}:#{uri.port}") ensure s.close if s.respond_to?(:close) and !s.closed? end @certificate end # # This performs the verification tests. # def verify if self.tests.empty? verbose "All tests have been disabled for #{self.domain}" return true end # Did we fail to find the certificate? if self.certificate.nil? # Use our fallback method. fallback = certificate_fallback() # If we failed to fetch it then we cannot do anything useful. if ( fallback.nil? ) self.errors << verbose("Failed to fetch certificate for #{self.domain}") return nil else # Populate the certificate, and report that we used our # fallback method - because we've no longer got access # to the bundle the remote server might have sent us. @fallback = true @certificate = end end return ![verify_subject, verify_valid_from, verify_valid_to, verify_signature].any? { |r| false == r } end def verify_sslv3_disabled unless self.tests.include?(:sslv3_disabled) verbose "Skipping SSLv3 test for #{self.domain}" return true end s = nil begin Timeout.timeout(10) do s =, uri.port) s =, s.sync_close = true s.connect s.close end self.errors << verbose("*SSLv2 or SSLv3 enabled* on #{}:#{uri.port}") return false rescue OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError => err # # OK good :) # return true rescue StandardError, Timeout::Error => err self.errors << verbose("*Caught #{err.class}* (#{err}) when connecting to #{}:#{uri.port} using SSLv3") ensure s.close if s.respond_to?(:close) and !s.closed? end false end def verify_signing_algorithm unless self.tests.include?(:signing_algorithm) verbose "Skipping signing algorithm check for #{self.domain}" return true end if self.certificate.signature_algorithm.start_with? 'sha1' self.errors << verbose("Certificate for #{self.domain} is signed with a weak algorithm (SHA1) and should be reissued.") return false else return true end end def verify_subject unless self.tests.include?(:subject) verbose "Skipping subject verification for #{self.domain}" return true end # # Firstly check that the certificate is valid for the domain or one of its aliases. # if OpenSSL::SSL.verify_certificate_identity(self.certificate, self.domain) verbose "The certificate subject is valid for #{self.domain}" return true else self.errors << verbose("The certificate subject is *not valid* for this domain #{self.domain}.") return false end end def verify_valid_from unless self.tests.include?(:valid_from) verbose "Skipping certificate end date validation for #{self.domain}" return true end # # Check that the certificate is current # if self.certificate.not_before < verbose "The certificate for #{self.domain} is valid from #{self.certificate.not_before}." return true else self.errors << verbose("The certificate for #{self.domain} *is not valid yet*.") return false end end def verify_valid_to unless self.tests.include?(:valid_to) verbose "Skipping certificate start date validation for #{self.domain}" return true end days_until_expiry = (self.certificate.not_after.to_i - / (24.0 * 3600).floor.to_i if days_until_expiry > 14 verbose "The certificate for #{self.domain} is valid until #{self.certificate.not_after}." return true else if days_until_expiry > 0 self.errors << verbose("The certificate for #{self.domain} *will expire in #{days_until_expiry} days*.") else self.errors << verbose("The certificate for #{self.domain} *has expired*.") end return false end end def verify_signature # # If we used our fallback method we cannot verify that the # signature is valid, because we're missing the bundle that # the remote server should have sent us. # if ( @fallback ) verbose "Skipping certificate signature validation for #{self.domain} because fallback SSL-certificate had to be used and we think we'll fail" return true; end unless self.tests.include?(:signature) verbose "Skipping certificate signature validation for #{self.domain}" return true end # # Now check the signature. # # First see if we can verify it using our own private key, i.e. the # certificate is self-signed. # if self.key.is_a?(OpenSSL::PKey) and self.certificate.verify(self.key) verbose "Using a self-signed certificate for #{self.domain}." return true # # Otherwise see if we can verify it using the certificate store, # including any bundle that has been uploaded. # elsif self.certificate_store.is_a?(OpenSSL::X509::Store) and self.certificate_store.verify(self.certificate) verbose "Certificate signed by #{self.certificate.issuer}" return true # # If we can't verify -- raise an error. # else self.errors << verbose("Certificate *signature does not verify* for #{self.domain} -- maybe a bundle is missing?") return false end end end # # The SSL-expiry test. # # This object is instantiated if the parser sees a line such as: # ### ### must run https with content 'page text' otherwise 'http fail'. ### # # module Custodian module ProtocolTest class SSLCertificateTest < TestFactory # # Constructor # def initialize(line) # # Save the line # @line = line # # Save the host # @host = line.split(/\s+/)[0] end # # Allow this test to be serialized. # def to_s @line end # # Run the test - this means making a TCP-connection to the # given host and validating that the SSL-certificate is not # expired. # # Because testing the SSL certificate is relatively heavy-weight # and because they don't change often we only test in office-hours. # # def run_test # # If the line disables us then return early # if @line =~ /no_ssl_check/ return Custodian::TestResult::TEST_PASSED end # # Get the current hour. # hour = # # If outside 10AM-5PM we don't run the test. # if hour < 10 || hour > 17 puts("Outside office hours - Not running SSL-Verification of #{@host}") return Custodian::TestResult::TEST_SKIPPED end # # Double-check we've got an SSL host # if !@host =~ /^https:\/\// puts('Not an SSL URL') return Custodian::TestResult::TEST_SKIPPED end s = result = s.verify if true == result puts("SSL Verification succeeded for #{@host}") return Custodian::TestResult::TEST_PASSED elsif result.nil? puts("SSL Verification returned no result #{@host}") @error = "SSL Verification for #{@host} failed - TLS negotiation failure?\n"; @error += s.errors.join("\n") return Custodian::TestResult::TEST_FAILED else puts("SSL Verification for #{@host} has failed.") @error = "SSL Verification for #{@host} failed: " @error += s.errors.join("\n") return Custodian::TestResult::TEST_FAILED end end # # If the test fails then report the error. # def error @error end # # Override the base behaviour so that we get a better failure # summary. # def get_type 'ssl-validity' end register_test_type 'https' end end end