# # We don't necessarily expect that both libraries will be present, # so long as one is that'll allow things to work. # %w( redis beanstalk-client ).each do |library| begin require library rescue LoadError ENV["DEBUG"] && puts( "Failed to load the library: #{library}" ) end end module Custodian # # An abstraction layer for our queue. # class QueueType # # Class-Factory # def self.create type case type when "redis" RedisQueueType.new when "beanstalk" BeanstalkQueueType.new else raise "Bad queue-type: #{type}" end end # # Retrieve a job from the queue. # def fetch(timeout) raise "Subclasses must implement this method!" end # # Add a new job to the queue. # def add(job_string) raise "Subclasses must implement this method!" end # # Get the size of the queue # def size? raise "Subclasses must implement this method!" end # # Empty the queue # def flush!() raise "Subclasses must implement this method!" end end # # This is a simple FIFO queue which uses Redis for storage. # class RedisQueueType < QueueType # # Connect to the server on localhost, unless QUEUE_ADDRESS is set. # def initialize host = ENV["QUEUE_ADDRESS"] || "" @redis = Redis.new( :host => host ) end # # Fetch a job from the queue. # # The timeout is used to specify the period we wait for a new job, and # we pause that same period between fetches. # def fetch(timeout = 1) job = nil while( true ) foo, job = @redis.blpop( "queue", :timeout => timeout ) if ( job ) return job else sleep( timeout ) end end end # # Add a new job to the queue. # def add(job_string) @redis.rpush( "queue", job_string ) end # # How many jobs in the queue? # def size? @redis.llen( "queue" ) end # # Empty the queue, discarding all pending jobs. # def flush! @redis.del( "queue" ) end end # # Use the beanstalkd-queue for its intended purpose # class BeanstalkQueueType < QueueType # # Connect to the server on localhost, unless QUEUE_ADDRESS is set. # def initialize host = ENV["QUEUE_ADDRESS"] || "" @queue = Beanstalk::Pool.new( ["#{host}:11300" ] ) end # # Here we fetch a value from the queue, and delete it at the same time. # # The timeout is used to specify the period we wait for a new job. # def fetch(timeout) begin j = @queue.reserve(timeout) if ( j ) then b = j.body j.delete return b else raise "ERRROR" end rescue Beanstalk::TimedOut => ex return nil end end # # Add a new job to the queue. # def add(job_string) @queue.put(job_string) end # # Get the size of the queue # def size? stats = @queue.stats() ( stats['current-jobs-ready'] || 0 ) end # # Flush the queue, discarding all pending jobs. # def flush! while( fetch(1) ) # nop end end end end