# # Attempt to load the Redis-library. # # Without this we cannot connect to our queue. # %w( redis ).each do |library| begin require library rescue LoadError puts("Failed to load the #{library} library - queue access will fail!") end end module Custodian # # An abstraction layer for our queue. # class QueueType # # Retrieve a job from the queue. # def fetch(_timeout) raise 'Subclasses must implement this method!' end # # Add a new job to the queue. # def add(_job_string) raise 'Subclasses must implement this method!' end # # Get the size of the queue # def size? raise 'Subclasses must implement this method!' end # # Empty the queue # def flush! raise 'Subclasses must implement this method!' end end # # This is a simple queue which uses Redis for storage. # class RedisQueueType < QueueType # # Connect to the server on localhost, unless QUEUE_ADDRESS is set. # def initialize host = ENV['QUEUE_ADDRESS'] || '' @redis = Redis.new(:host => host) end # # Fetch a job from the queue. # # The timeout is used to specify the period we wait for a new job, and # we pause that same period between fetches. # def fetch(timeout = 1) job = nil loop do # Get the next job from the queue. # NOTE: This returns an array. job = @redis.zrange('custodian_queue', 0, 0) if ! job.empty? # We only have one entry in our array job = job[0] # Remove from the queue @redis.zrem('custodian_queue', job ); return job else sleep(timeout) end end end # # Add a new job to the queue. # def add(job_string) # # We need to build a "score" for this job - the score # will be used for ordering by Redis. # # We don't care what order the jobs are running in, however # we do care that this the order is always the same. # # On that basis we need to create a score for the string which # will always be the same, and will always be a number. # # We'll sum up the ASCII values of each character in the test # which gives us a "number" which that should be consistent for # each distinct-test. # # score = 0 job_string.split("").each do |x| score = score + x.ord end # Bound the number to something sane. score = score & 0xFFFF @redis.zadd('custodian_queue', score, job_string) end # # How many jobs in the queue? # def size? @redis.zcard('custodian_queue') end # # Empty the queue, discarding all pending jobs. # def flush! @redis.del('custodian_queue') end end end