
require 'tempfile'

class WebFetch

  # The URL & timeout period (in seconds) we were given in the constructor
  attr_reader :url, :timeout

  # The HTTP status code, and content, we received from fetching the URL
  attr_reader :status, :text, :error

  # Constructor
  def initialize( url, timeout = 10 )
    @url     = url
    @timeout = timeout

    # defaults
    @status  = -1
    @error   = ""
    @text    = ""

  # Perform the fetch.
  # Return true on success.
  def fetch

    # Generate a temporary file to contain the header from the server.
    tmp_head = Tempfile.new('curl-header')
    head     = tmp_head.path

    # Generate a temporary file to contain the body from the server.
    tmp_body = Tempfile.new('curl-body')
    body     = tmp_body.path

    # Shell out to curl (!!!) to do the fetch.
    system( "curl --max-time #{timeout} --silent --location --insecure --dump-header #{head} --out #{body} --silent #{@url}")

    # If both files are size zero then we clearly failed.
    if ( ( File.size( body ) == 0 ) ||
         ( File.size( head ) == 0 ) )

      # Cleanup
      File.unlink( body ) if ( File.exists?( body ) )
      File.unlink( head ) if ( File.exists?( head ) )

      # Save the error.
      @error = "Fetch failed"
      return false

    #  Get the HTTP status code, by parsing the HTTP headers.
    File.open( head, "r").each_line do |line|
      if ( line =~ /HTTP\/[0-9]\.[0-9]\s+([0-9]+)\s+/ )
        @status = $1.dup

    #  Get the body from the server, by parsing the temporary file.
    File.open( body, "r").each_line do |line|
      @text << line

    #  Cleanup.  We're done.
    File.unlink( body ) if ( File.exists?( body ) )
    File.unlink( head ) if ( File.exists?( head ) )

    return true

  # Return the HTTP status code the server responded with, if the
  # fetch was successful.
  def status

  # Return the HTTP content the server responded with, if the
  # fetch was successful.
  def content

  # Return the error, if the fetch failed.
  def error
