#!/usr/bin/ruby1.8 -I./bin/ -I../bin/

require 'test/unit'
load    'custodian-enqueue'

# Unit test for our parser.
class TestParser < Test::Unit::TestCase

  # Create the test suite environment: NOP.
  def setup

  # Destroy the test suite environment: NOP.
  def teardown

  #  Test we can create a new parser object - specifically
  # that it throws exceptions if it is not given a filename
  # that exists.
  def test_init

    #  Missing filename -> Exception
    assert_raise ArgumentError do

    #  Filename points to file that doesn't exist -> Exception
    assert_raise ArgumentError do

    #  File that exists -> No Exception.
    assert_nothing_raised do
      MonitorConfig.new("/dev/null" )


  #  Test that we can define macros.
  def test_macros

    parser = MonitorConfig.new("/dev/null" )

    #  With nothing loaded we should have zero macros - so the
    # count of our macros hash should be zero
    macros = parser.macros
    assert( macros.empty? )
    assert( macros.size() == 0 )

    #  Define a macro:
    #  FOO =>  "kvm1.vm.bytemark.co.uk", "kvm2.vm.bytemark.co.uk".
    #  Before defining it double-check it doesn't exist
    assert( !(parser.is_macro?( "FOO" )) )

    parser.define_macro( "FOO is kvm1.vm.bytemark.co.uk and kvm2.vm.bytemark.co.uk." )

    #  OK we should now have a single macro defined.
    macros = parser.macros
    assert( macros.size() == 1 )

    #  The macro name "FOO" should exist
    assert( parser.is_macro?( "FOO" ) )

    #  The contents of the FOO macro should have the value we expect
    val = parser.get_macro_targets( "FOO" )
    assert( val.size() == 2 )
    assert( val.include?( "kvm1.vm.bytemark.co.uk" ) )
    assert( val.include?( "kvm2.vm.bytemark.co.uk" ) )

    # Add a macro, using the parser directly.
    # Before defining it double-check it doesn't exist
    assert( !(parser.is_macro?( "BAR" )) )

    parser.parse_line( "BAR is example.vm.bytemark.co.uk and www.bytemark.co.uk." )

    #  OK we should now have two macros defined.
    macros = parser.macros
    assert( macros.size() == 2 )

    #  The macro name "BAR" should exist
    assert( parser.is_macro?( "BAR" ) )

    #  The contents of the BAR macro should have the value we expect
    val = parser.get_macro_targets( "BAR" )
    assert( val.size() == 2 )
    assert( val.include?( "example.vm.bytemark.co.uk" ) )
    assert( val.include?( "www.bytemark.co.uk" ) )
