#!/bin/sh PRE="ruby -I lib ./bin/mauveclient " $PRE -o supportbot -i 173123 \ -s "My server is not responding" \ -d "<strong>From:</strong> John Smith <john@smith.name><br/> <strong>To:</strong> support@support.bytemark.co.uk</br/> <br/> <pre>It has been several hours now since I have been able to contact my server foo.bar.bytemark.co.uk. I am very upset that blah blah blah blah and furthermore by business is under threat because £15.00 per month is far too much blah blah blah</pre> <script>alert('arse')</script> <h1>Brokent<p></h1></p>html. " $PRE -o networkmonitor -i 1 -u cr01.man.bytemark.co.uk \ -s "cr01.man.bytemark.co.uk did not respond to pings" $PRE -o networkmonitor -i 2 -u cr01.thn.bytemark.co.uk \ -s "cr02.man.bytemark.co.uk refused SSH connection" \ -d "<pre>ssh: connect to host localhost port 1212: Connection refused</pre>" $PRE -o ventham.bytemark.co.uk -i heartbeat -r now -s "<b>heartbeat</b> <script>alert('arse')</script> failed for ventham.bytemark.co.uk" --detail="<p>The heartbeat wasn't sent for the host ventham.bytemark.co.uk</p><p>This indicates that the host might be down</p>" >/dev/null $PRE -o networkmonitor -i ping-ventham -u ventham.bytemark.co.uk -r +10m -s "ping failed for ventham.bytemark.co.uk" $PRE -o vmhs -i 12345 -u partridge.bytemark.co.uk \ -s "partridge.bytemark.co.uk heartbeat not received" -r +10m -c now $PRE -o vmhs -i 12347 -u eider.bytemark.co.uk \ -s "eider.bytemark.co.uk heartbeat not received" -r +2 $PRE -o thresholds -i 1 -u bl1-1.bytemark.co.uk \ -s "bl1-1 exceeded 10Mb/s on bond0" \ -d "<h1>Hello there</h1><p>Here is a paragraph</p><p>And another one</p>" $PRE -o thresholds -i 2 -u bl1-11.bytemark.co.uk \ -s "bl1-11 has less than 1GB free memory" $PRE -o thresholds -i 3 -u rom.sh.bytemark.co.uk \ -s "rom.sh.bytemark.co.uk has 1/2 discs available in /dev/md0" \ -d "<pre>Personalities : unused devices: <none> </pre> "