# encoding: UTF-8 require 'digest/sha1' require 'xmlrpc/client' # # This allows poking of the SSL attributes of the http client. # module XMLRPC ; class Client ; attr_reader :http ; end ; end module Mauve # # Base class for authentication. # class Authentication ORDER = [] # Authenticate a user. # # @param [String] login # @param [String] password # # @return [FalseClass] Always returns false. def authenticate(login, password) raise ArgumentError.new("Login must be a string, not a #{login.class}") if String != login.class raise ArgumentError.new("Password must be a string, not a #{password.class}") if String != password.class raise ArgumentError.new("Login or/and password is/are empty.") if login.empty? || password.empty? false end # @return [Log4r::Logger] def logger self.class.logger end # @return [Log4r::Logger] def self.logger @logger ||= Log4r::Logger.new(self.to_s) end # This calls all classes in the ORDER array one by one. If all classes # fail, a 5 second sleep rate-limits authentication attempts. # # @param [String] login # @param [String] password # # @return [Boolean] Success or failure. # def self.authenticate(login, password) result = false ORDER.any? do |klass| auth = klass.new result = begin auth.authenticate(login, password) rescue StandardError => ex logger.error "#{ex.class}: #{ex.to_s} during #{auth.class} for #{login}" logger.debug ex.backtrace.join("\n") false end logger.info "Authenticated #{login} using #{auth.class.to_s}" if true == result result end unless true == result logger.info "Authentication for #{login} failed" # Rate limit sleep Configuration.current.failed_login_delay end result end end # This is the Bytemark authentication mechanism. # class AuthBytemark < Authentication Mauve::Authentication::ORDER << self # Authenticate against the Bytemark server # # @param [String] login # @param [String] password # # @return [Boolean] def authenticate(login, password) super # # Don't bother checking if no auth_url has been set. # return false unless Configuration.current.bytemark_auth_url.is_a?(URI) # # Don't bother checking if the person doesn't exist. # return false unless Mauve::Configuration.current.people.has_key?(login) uri = Configuration.current.bytemark_auth_url timeout = Configuration.current.remote_http_timeout # host=nil, path=nil, port=nil, proxy_host=nil, proxy_port=nil, user=nil, password=nil, use_ssl=nil, timeout=nil) client = XMLRPC::Client.new(uri.host, uri.path, uri.port, nil, nil, uri.user, uri.password, uri.scheme == "https", timeout) # # Make sure we verify our peer before attempting login. # if client.http.use_ssl? client.http.ca_path = "/etc/ssl/certs/" if File.directory?("/etc/ssl/certs") client.http.verify_mode = Configuration.current.remote_https_verify_mode end begin proxy = client.proxy("bytemark.auth") challenge = proxy.getChallengeForUser(login) response = Digest::SHA1.new.update(challenge).update(password).hexdigest proxy.login(login, response) return true rescue XMLRPC::FaultException => fault logger.warn "#{self.class} for #{login} failed" logger.debug "#{fault.faultCode}: #{fault.faultString}" return false rescue IOError => ex logger.warn "#{ex.class} during auth for #{login} (#{ex.to_s})" return false end end end # This is the local authentication mechanism, i.e. against the values in the # Mauve config file. # class AuthLocal < Authentication Mauve::Authentication::ORDER << self # Authenticate against the local configuration # # @param [String] login # @param [String] password # # @return [Boolean] def authenticate(login,password) super # # Don't bother checking if the person doesn't exist. # return false unless Mauve::Configuration.current.people.has_key?(login) # # Don't bother checking if no password has been set. # return false if Mauve::Configuration.current.people[login].password.nil? if ( Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(password) == Mauve::Configuration.current.people[login].password ) return true else logger.warn "#{self.class} for #{login} failed" return false end end end end