require 'thread' require 'singleton' module Mauve class MauveThread attr_reader :state def initialize @thread = nil @state = :stopped end def logger @logger ||= end def run_thread(interval = 0.1) # # Good to go. # self.state = :starting @sleep_interval ||= interval sleep_loops = (@sleep_interval.to_f / 0.1).round.to_i sleep_loops = 1 if sleep_loops.nil? or sleep_loops < 1 while self.state != :stopping do self.state = :started if self.state == :starting # # Schtop! # if self.state == :freezing self.state = :frozen Thread.stop self.state = :started end yield # # Ah-ha! Sleep with a break clause. # sleep_loops.times do break if self.should_stop? # # This is a rate-limiting step # Kernel.sleep 0.1 end end self.state = :stopped end def should_stop? [:freezing, :stopping].include?(self.state) end def state=(s) raise "Bad state for mauve_thread #{s.inspect}" unless [:stopped, :starting, :started, :freezing, :frozen, :stopping, :killing, :killed].include?(s) unless @state == s @state = s logger.debug(s.to_s.capitalize) end end def freeze self.state = :freezing 20.times { Kernel.sleep 0.1 ; break if @thread.stop? } logger.debug("Thread has not frozen!") unless @thread.stop? end def frozen? self.stop? and self.state == :frozen end def run if self.alive? if self.stop? @thread.wakeup end else @logger = nil self.state = :starting @thread ={ self.run_thread { self.main_loop } } end end alias start run alias thaw run def alive? @thread.is_a?(Thread) and @thread.alive? end def stop? self.alive? and @thread.stop? end def join(ok_exceptions=[]) @thread.join if @thread.is_a?(Thread) end def raise(ex) @thread.raise(ex) end def backtrace @thread.backtrace if @thread.is_a?(Thread) end def restart self.stop self.start end def stop self.state = :stopping 10.times do break unless self.alive? Kernel.sleep 1 if self.alive? end # # OK I've had enough now. # self.kill if self.alive? self.join end alias exit stop def kill self.state = :killing @thread.kill self.state = :killed end def thread @thread end end end