require 'fileutils' module Mauve module Notifiers # # The Debug module adds two extra parameters to a notification method # for debugging and testing. # module Debug class << self def included(base) base.class_eval do alias_method :send_alert_without_debug, :send_alert alias_method :send_alert, :send_alert_to_debug_channels end end def extended(base) base.instance_eval do alias :send_alert_without_debug :send_alert alias :send_alert :send_alert_to_debug_channels end end end # Specifying deliver_to_file allows the administrator to ask for alerts # to be delivered to a particular file, which is assumed to be perused # by a person rather than a machine. # def deliver_to_file @deliver_to_file end def deliver_to_file=(fn) @deliver_to_file = fn end # Specifying deliver_to_queue allows a tester to ask for the send_alert # parameters to be appended to a Queue object (or anything else that # responds to <<). # def deliver_to_queue @deliver_to_queue end def deliver_to_queue=(q) @deliver_to_queue = q end def disable_normal_delivery! @disable_normal_delivery = true end def send_alert_to_debug_channels(destination, alert, all_alerts, conditions = nil) message = if self.respond_to?(:prepare_message) prepare_message(destination, alert, all_alerts, conditions) else [destination, alert, all_alerts].inspect end if deliver_to_file"#{deliver_to_file}", "a+") do |fh| fh.flock(File::LOCK_EX) fh.print YAML.dump([, self.class, destination, message]) fh.flush() end end deliver_to_queue << [, self.class, destination, message] if deliver_to_queue if @disable_normal_delivery true # pretend it happened OK if we're just testing else send_alert_without_debug(destination, alert, all_alerts, conditions) end end end end end