<%= alert.update_type.upcase %>: <% case alert.update_type when "cleared" %><%= alert.cleared_at.to_s_relative %><% when "acknowledged" %><%= alert.acknowledged_at.to_s_relative %> by <%= alert.acknowledged_by %> until <%= alert.will_unacknowledge_at.to_s_human %><% else %><%= alert.raised_at.to_s_relative %><% end %>: <%= alert.subject %>: <%= alert.summary %><% if alert.source != alert.subject %> -- from <%= alert.source %><% end %>. -- Detail ------------------------------------------------------------ <%= Alert.remove_html(alert.detail) %> ----------------------------------------------------------------------- <% if was_suppressed and not will_suppress %>Better now. Your notifications have now restarted.<% elsif will_suppress and not was_suppressed %>Too noisy! Your notifications have been suppressed.<% end %> -- Love mauve. xx