<html xmlns="http://jabber.org/protocol/xhtml-im"><body xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <a href="<%=WebInterface.url_for(alert)%>"><%= alert.id%>: <%= alert.update_type.upcase %></a> (<%= alert.level %>): <% case alert.update_type when "cleared" %><%= alert.cleared_at.to_s_relative %><% when "acknowledged" %><%= alert.acknowledged_at.to_s_relative %> by <%= alert.acknowledged_by %> until <%= alert.will_unacknowledge_at.to_s_human %><% else %><%= alert.raised_at.to_s_relative %><% end %>: <strong><%= alert.subject %></strong> <%= alert.summary %><% if alert.source != alert.subject %> -- from <%= alert.source %><% end %>.<% if defined? was_suppressed and defined? will_suppress if was_suppressed and not will_suppress %><br /><em>Normal service for <%= alert.level %> alerts has resumed.</em><% elsif will_suppress and not was_suppressed %><br /><em>Further <%= alert.level %> alerts suppressed until things calm down.</em><% end end %></body></html>