require 'tmpdir' require 'thread' require 'timeout' require 'mauve/configuration' Thread.abort_on_exception = true module MauveTestHelper include Mauve Notifications = # Returns the base directory for temporary files for this test instance # def dir if !@test_dir now = base=Dir.tmpdir+"/mauve_test" Dir.mkdir(base) unless base=base+"/#{$$}" Dir.mkdir(base) unless Dir.mkdir(@test_dir="#{base}/#{name}") end @test_dir end # Starts the Mauve server with a configuration supplied as a string. # def start_server(config) @here = File.expand_path(__FILE__).split("/")[0..-2].join("/") + "/..""#{dir}/config_file", "w") { |fh| fh.write(config) } Notifications.clear Configuration.current = ConfigurationBuilder.load("#{dir}/config_file") Time.reset_to_midnight @thread = do begin rescue Interrupt Configuration.current.close end end # avoids races if we try to shut down too quickly Configuration.current.server.sleep_until_ready "TEST RUN STARTED: #{name}" end # Stops the Mauve server, should reset it ready to start again within the # same process. # def stop_server @thread.raise( @thread.join end # Send an alert to the server, return when the server process has definitely # processed it (or die after 2s). # def mauvesend(cmd) Configuration.current.server.sleep_until_ready output = `TEST_TIME=#{} #{@here}/mauve_starter.rb #{@here}/bin/mauvesend -v #{cmd} 2>&1` status = $?.exitstatus raise "Exit #{status} from command: '#{output}'" unless status == 0 raise "mauvesend did not return an integer" unless output.to_i > 0 begin timeout(2) { Configuration.current.server.sleep_until_transmission_id_received(output.to_i) } rescue Timeout::Error flunk("Did not receive transmission id '#{output}'") end end # Assuming the test configuration contains a notification method with # "deliver_to_queue TestClass::Notifications", this helper will return the next # alert notification by that method as a triplet: # # [destination, alert, other_alerts] # # e.g. destination will be an email address, or phone number, just # as in the configuration file. alert will be the subject of this # alert, and other_alerts will be the other notifications that # are relevant for this person at this time. # # The test will fail after 2s if no alert is received. # def with_next_notification Timers.restart_and_then_wait_until_idle flunk("Nothing on Notifications queue when I expected one") if Notifications.empty? yield(*Notifications.pop) end def discard_next_notification with_next_notification { } end # The reverse of next_alert, the test fails if an alert is received # within 2s. # def assert_no_notification Timers.restart_and_then_wait_until_idle flunk("#{Notifications.pop.inspect} on Notifications queue when I expected nothing") unless Notifications.empty? true end end