$:.unshift "../lib" require 'th_mauve' require 'mauve/mauve_time' require 'mauve/alert' require 'mauve/notification' require 'mauve/server' require 'mauve/configuration' require 'mauve/configuration_builder' require 'mauve/configuration_builders' require 'webmock' class TcMauveDuringRunner < Mauve::UnitTest include Mauve include WebMock::API def setup super setup_database WebMock.disable_net_connect! end def teardown WebMock.reset! WebMock.allow_net_connect! teardown_database super end def test_initialize alert = Alert.new time = Time.now during = Proc.new { false } dr = DuringRunner.new(time, alert, &during) assert_equal(dr.alert, alert) assert_equal(dr.time, time) assert_equal(dr.during, during) end def test_now? alert = Alert.new time = Time.now during = Proc.new { Time.now == @test_time } dr = DuringRunner.new(time, alert, &during) assert_equal(true, dr.now?) assert_equal(false, dr.now?(time+3600)) assert_equal(time, dr.time) end def test_find_next # # An alert is supposed to remind someone every six hours during working # hours, and it is raised outside working hours. Assuming it is still # raised when working hours start, when should the first reminder get sent? # # (a) As soon as working hours commence. # (b) At some point in the first six hours of working hours. # (c) After six working hours. # # (12:38:19) Nick: a) # # This should give us midnight last sunday night. # now = Time.now # # first working hour on Monday workday_morning = now.in_x_hours(0,"working") assert(workday_morning != now, "booo") # # This should alert at exactly first thing on Monday morning. # dr = DuringRunner.new(now, nil){ working_hours? } assert_equal(dr.find_next(6.hours), workday_morning) # # This should alert six hours later than the last one. # dr = DuringRunner.new(workday_morning, nil){ working_hours? } assert_equal(dr.find_next(6.hours), workday_morning + 6.hours) # # Now assuming the working day is not 12 hours long, if we progress to 6 # hours in the future then the next alert should be first thing on Tuesday. # dr = DuringRunner.new(workday_morning + 6.hours, nil){ working_hours? } tuesday_morning = workday_morning+24.hours assert_equal(dr.find_next(6.hours), tuesday_morning) # # If an alert is too far in the future (a week) return nil. # dr = DuringRunner.new(workday_morning, nil){ @test_time > (@time + 12.days) } assert_nil(dr.find_next) end def test_x_in_list_of_y dr = DuringRunner.new(Time.now) [ [[0,1,3,4], 2, false], [[0,2,4,6], 2, true], [[0..1,3..6],2, false], [[0..2, 4,5],2, true], [[0,1..3], 2, true], ].each do |y,x,result| assert_equal(result, dr.send(:x_in_list_of_y, x,y)) end end def test_hours_in_day t = Time.gm(2010,1,2,3,4,5) # => Sat Jan 02 03:04:05 UTC 2010 dr = DuringRunner.new(t) [ [[0,1,3,4], true], [[0,2,4,6], false], [[[0,1,3],4], true], [[[0,2,4],6], false], [[0..1,3..6], true], [[0..2, 4,5], false], [[0,1..3], true], [3..3.5, true], [[4..12], false] ].each do |hours, result| assert_equal(result, dr.send(:hours_in_day, hours)) end end def test_days_in_week t = Time.gm(2010,1,2,3,4,5) # => Sat Jan 02 03:04:05 UTC 2010 dr = DuringRunner.new(t) [ [[0,1,3,4], false], [[0,2,4,6], true], [[[0,1,3],4], false], [[[0,2,4],6], true], [[0..1,3..6], true], [[0..2, 4,5], false], [[0,1..3], false], [[4..6], true] ].each do |days, result| assert_equal(result, dr.send(:days_in_week, days), "#{t.wday} in #{days.join(", ")}") end end def test_unacknowledged Server.instance.setup alert = Alert.new( :alert_id => "test", :source => "test", :subject => "test" ) alert.raise! Timecop.freeze(Time.now+1.hour) dr = DuringRunner.new(Time.now, alert) assert(!dr.send(:unacknowledged, 2.hours)) assert(dr.send(:unacknowledged, 1.hour)) end def test_working_hours config=<<EOF working_hours 0..2.5 EOF Configuration.current = ConfigurationBuilder.parse(config) end def test_no_one_in config=<<EOF person "test1" person "test2" people_list "empty", %w( ) people_list "not empty", %w(test1 test2) EOF Configuration.current = ConfigurationBuilder.parse(config) dr = DuringRunner.new(Time.now) assert(dr.send(:no_one_in, "non-existent list")) assert(dr.send(:no_one_in, "empty")) # # We expect an empty list to generate a warning. # logger_pop assert(!dr.send(:no_one_in, "not empty")) end def test_no_one_in_with_calendar config=<<EOF bytemark_calendar_url "http://localhost" person "test1" person "test2" people_list "support", calendar("support_shift") EOF Configuration.current = ConfigurationBuilder.parse(config) # # # 5.times.each do |hr| # end dr = DuringRunner.new(Time.now, nil) { no_one_in("support") } # # Stub the URL # url ="http://localhost/api/attendees/support_shift/#{Time.now.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:00")}" stub_request(:get, url).to_return(:status => 200, :body => YAML.dump(%w(test1 test2))) assert(!dr.now?) # # Advance by 5 minutes, and try again -- we should get the same answer, # since the DuringRunner's time does not change. # Timecop.freeze(Time.now + 5.minutes) assert(!dr.now?) # # Roll back 5 minutes. # Timecop.freeze(Time.now - 5.minutes) # # That last round of requests should only have hit the midnight URL once. # assert_requested(:get, url, :times => 1) WebMock.reset! # # Set up a new runner. # dr = DuringRunner.new(Time.now, nil) { no_one_in("support") } # # This time our URL returns an empty list. # stub_request(:get, url).to_return(:status => 200, :body => YAML.dump([])) assert(dr.now?) # # We expect a warning about an empty list. # logger_pop # # This should make a new request to the 00:05 URL # assert_requested(:get, url, :times => 1) WebMock.reset! # # Set up a new runner. # dr = DuringRunner.new(Time.now, nil) { no_one_in("support") } # # Set up our stubs. The first is to catch any iterations done by find_next. # stub_request(:get, /http:\/\/localhost\/api\/attendees\/support_shift\/(.*)/). to_return do |request| t = Time.parse(request.uri.path.split("/").last) if t >= Time.now and t < Time.now + 5.minutes {:status => 200, :body => YAML.dump(%w(test1 test2))} else {:status => 200, :body => YAML.dump([])} end end assert(!dr.now?) assert_equal(Time.now + 5.minutes, dr.find_next(0)) logger_pop logger_pop # # This should make 5 requests, one in an hours time (the initial step) + # WebMock::RequestRegistry.instance.requested_signatures.each do |request, count| assert_equal(1, count, "URI #{request.uri.to_s} requested more than once during find_next()") end end def test_bank_holiday config=<<EOF bytemark_calendar_url "http://localhost" EOF Configuration.current = ConfigurationBuilder.parse(config) Server.instance.setup stub_request(:get, "http://localhost/api/bank_holidays/2011-08-01"). to_return(:status => 200, :body => YAML.dump([])) dr = DuringRunner.new(Time.now) assert(!dr.send(:bank_holiday?)) # # Add today as a bank hol. # # time.bank_holidays << Date.new(Time.now.year, Time.now.month, Time.now.day) Timecop.freeze(Time.now + 24.hours) stub_request(:get, "http://localhost/api/bank_holidays/2011-08-02"). to_return(:status => 200, :body => YAML.dump([Date.new(2011,8,2)])) dr = DuringRunner.new(Time.now) assert(dr.send(:bank_holiday?)) end end class TcMauveNotification < Mauve::UnitTest include Mauve include WebMock::API def setup super setup_database WebMock.disable_net_connect! end def teardown WebMock.reset! WebMock.allow_net_connect! teardown_database super end def test_notify t = Time.now config=<<EOF server { use_notification_buffer false } notification_method("email") { debug! deliver_to_queue [] disable_normal_delivery! } person ("test1") { email "test1@example.com" all { email } } person ("test2") { email "test2@example.com" all { email } } person ("test3") { email "test3@example.com" all { email } } people_list "testers", %w( test1 test2 ) alert_group("default") { level URGENT notify("test1") { during { true } every 10.minutes } notify("testers") { during { true } every 15.minutes } notify("test2") { during { hours_in_day 1..23 } every 10.minutes } notify("test3") { during { unacknowledged( 2.hours ) } every 10.minutes } } EOF Configuration.current = ConfigurationBuilder.parse(config) notification_buffer = Configuration.current.notification_methods["email"].deliver_to_queue Server.instance.setup alert = Alert.new( :alert_id => "test", :source => "test", :subject => "test" ) alert.raise! assert_equal(1, Alert.count, "Wrong number of alerts saved") # # Make sure the alert group gets cached # alert.reload assert_equal("default", alert.cached_alert_group) # # Also make sure that only 2 notifications has been sent.. # assert_equal(2, notification_buffer.size, "Wrong number of notifications sent") # # Although there are four clauses above for notifications, test1 should be # alerted in 10 minutes time, and the 15 minutes clause is ignored, since # 10 minutes is sooner. # assert_equal(1, AlertChanged.count, "Wrong number of reminders inserted") a = AlertChanged.first assert_equal("urgent", a.level, "Level is wrong for #{a.person}") assert_equal("raised", a.update_type, "Update type is wrong for #{a.person}") assert_equal(Time.now + 10.minutes, a.remind_at,"reminder time is wrong for #{a.person}") # # OK now roll the clock forward 10 minutes # TODO end # # Makes sure a reminder is set at the start of the notify clause. # def test_reminder_is_set_at_start_of_during config=<<EOF server { use_notification_buffer false } notification_method("email") { debug! deliver_to_queue [] disable_normal_delivery! } person ("test1") { email "test1@example.com" all { email } } person ("test2") { email "test2@example.com" all { email } } alert_group("default") { level URGENT notify("test1") { every 10.minutes } notify("test2") { every 10.minutes during { hours_in_day 8..10 } } } EOF # # Wind forward until 7.55am # Timecop.freeze(Time.now + 7.hours + 55.minutes) Configuration.current = ConfigurationBuilder.parse(config) Server.instance.setup alert = Alert.new( :alert_id => "test", :source => "test", :subject => "test" ) alert.raise! assert_equal(1, Alert.count, "Wrong number of alerts saved") assert_equal(1, AlertChanged.count, "Wrong number of reminders inserted") a = AlertChanged.first assert_equal("urgent", a.level, "Level is wrong for #{a.person}") assert_equal("raised", a.update_type, "Update type is wrong for #{a.person}") assert_equal(Time.now + 5.minutes, a.remind_at,"reminder time is wrong for #{a.person}") end # # Test to make sure that if a bondary is crossed, then the during clauses all # work. # def test_no_race_conditions_in_during config=<<EOF server { use_notification_buffer false } notification_method("email") { debug! deliver_to_queue [] disable_normal_delivery! } person ("test1") { email "test1@example.com" all { email } } person ("test2") { email "test1@example.com" all { email } } alert_group("default") { level URGENT notify("test1") { every 0 during { sleep 2 ; hours_in_day 1..7 } } notify("test2") { every 0 during { hours_in_day 8..10 } } } EOF # # Wind forward until 7:59:59am # Configuration.current = ConfigurationBuilder.parse(config) notification_buffer = Configuration.current.notification_methods["email"].deliver_to_queue Server.instance.setup alert = Alert.new( :alert_id => "test", :source => "test", :subject => "test" ) Timecop.travel(Time.now + 7.hours + 59.minutes + 59.seconds) alert.raise! assert_equal(1, notification_buffer.size, "Wrong number of notifications sent") end def test_individual_notification_preferences config=<<EOF server { use_notification_buffer false } notification_method("email") { debug! deliver_to_queue [] disable_normal_delivery! } person ("test1") { email "test1@example.com" all { email } notify { every 300 during { hours_in_day(0) } } } person ("test2") { email "test2@example.com" all { email } notify { every 300 during { hours_in_day(1) } } } people_list("testers", %w(test1 test2)) { notify { every 150 during { hours_in_day(2) } } } alert_group("test") { level URGENT notify("test1") notify("test2") notify("testers") notify("testers") { every 60 during { hours_in_day (3) } } } EOF Configuration.current = ConfigurationBuilder.parse(config) notification_buffer = Configuration.current.notification_methods["email"].deliver_to_queue Server.instance.setup alert = Alert.new( :alert_id => "test", :source => "test", :subject => "test" ) # At midnight just test1 # At 1am just test2 # At 2am, both test1 and test2 (via testers) # At 3am both test1 and test2 (via testers clause with during) # At 4am no-one [ [0, %w(test1)], [1, %w(test2)], [2, %w(test1 test2)], [3, %w(test1 test2)], [4, []] ].each do |hour, people| assert_equal(hour, Time.now.hour) alert.raise! assert_equal(people.length, notification_buffer.size, "Wrong number of notifications sent after a raise at #{hour} am") sent = [] sent << notification_buffer.pop while !notification_buffer.empty? assert_equal(people.collect{|u| "#{u}@example.com"}.sort, sent.collect{|n| n[2]}.sort) alert.clear! assert_equal(people.length, notification_buffer.size, "Wrong number of notifications sent after a clear at #{hour} am") sent = [] sent << notification_buffer.pop while !notification_buffer.empty? assert_equal(people.collect{|u| "#{u}@example.com"}.sort, sent.collect{|n| n[2]}.sort) # # Wind the clock forward for the next round of tests. # Timecop.freeze(Time.now+1.hours) end end def test_individual_notification_preferences_part_deux config=<<EOF server { use_notification_buffer false } notification_method("email") { debug! deliver_to_queue [] disable_normal_delivery! } person ("test1") { email "test1@example.com" all { email } notify { every 300 during { hours_in_day(0) } } } person ("test2") { email "test2@example.com" all { email } notify { every 300 during { hours_in_day(1) } } } people_list("testers", %w(test1 test2)) alert_group("test") { level URGENT notify("testers") notify("testers") { every 60 during { hours_in_day (2) } } } EOF Configuration.current = ConfigurationBuilder.parse(config) notification_buffer = Configuration.current.notification_methods["email"].deliver_to_queue Server.instance.setup alert = Alert.new( :alert_id => "test", :source => "test", :subject => "test" ) # # At midnight just test1 should be notified. # At 1am, just test2 # At 2am both test1 and test2 [ [0, %w(test1)], [1, %w(test2)], [2, %w(test1 test2)] ].each do |hour, people| assert_equal(hour, Time.now.hour) alert.raise! assert_equal(people.length, notification_buffer.size, "Wrong number of notifications sent after a raise at #{hour} am") sent = [] sent << notification_buffer.pop while !notification_buffer.empty? assert_equal(people.collect{|u| "#{u}@example.com"}.sort, sent.collect{|n| n[2]}.sort) alert.clear! assert_equal(people.length, notification_buffer.size, "Wrong number of notifications sent after a clear at #{hour} am") sent = [] sent << notification_buffer.pop while !notification_buffer.empty? assert_equal(people.collect{|u| "#{u}@example.com"}.sort, sent.collect{|n| n[2]}.sort) # # Wind the clock forward for the next round of tests. # Timecop.freeze(Time.now+1.hours) end end def test_notify_array_of_usernames config=<<EOF server { use_notification_buffer false } notification_method("email") { debug! deliver_to_queue [] disable_normal_delivery! } person ("test1") { email "test1@example.com" all { email } notify { every 100 during { hours_in_day(1) } } } person ("test2") { email "test2@example.com" all { email } notify { every 200 during { hours_in_day(2) } } } person ("test3") { email "test3@example.com" all { email } notify { every 300 during { hours_in_day(3) } } } people_list("testers1", %w(test1 test2)) people_list("testers2", "testers1", "test3") { notify { every 500 during { hours_in_day(4) } } } alert_group("test") { level URGENT includes { source == "test" } notify("test1", "testers1", "testers2") } EOF Configuration.current = ConfigurationBuilder.parse(config) notification_buffer = Configuration.current.notification_methods["email"].deliver_to_queue Server.instance.setup alert = Alert.new( :alert_id => "test", :source => "test", :subject => "test" ) assert_equal("test", alert.alert_group.name) # At midnight no-one should be alerted # At 1am just test1 should be alerted # At 2am just test2 should be alerted (via the testers1 group) # At 3am no-one should be alerted # At 4am test1, test2, and test3 should all be alerted (via the testers2 group) [ [0, []], [1, %w(test1)], [2, %w(test2)], [3, []], [4, %w(test1 test2 test3)] ].each do |hour, people| assert_equal(hour, Time.now.hour) alert.raise! assert_equal(people.length, notification_buffer.size, "Wrong number of notifications sent after a raise at #{hour} am") sent = [] sent << notification_buffer.pop while !notification_buffer.empty? assert_equal(people.collect{|u| "#{u}@example.com"}.sort, sent.collect{|n| n[2]}.sort) alert.clear! assert_equal(people.length, notification_buffer.size, "Wrong number of notifications sent after a clear at #{hour} am") sent = [] sent << notification_buffer.pop while !notification_buffer.empty? assert_equal(people.collect{|u| "#{u}@example.com"}.sort, sent.collect{|n| n[2]}.sort) # # Wind the clock forward for the next round of tests. # Timecop.freeze(Time.now+1.hours) end end def test_notify_when_on_holiday attendees = %w(test1 test2) stub_request(:get, "http://localhost/calendar/api/bank_holidays/2011-08-01"). to_return(:status => 200, :body => YAML.dump([])) stub_request(:get, "http://localhost/calendar/api/attendees/sick_period/2011-08-01T00:00:00"). to_return(:status => 200, :body => YAML.dump([])) stub_request(:get, "http://localhost/calendar/api/attendees/staff_holiday/2011-08-01T00:00:00"). to_return(:status => 200, :body => YAML.dump(attendees)) config=<<EOF bytemark_calendar_url "http://localhost/calendar" server { use_notification_buffer false } notification_method("email") { debug! deliver_to_queue [] disable_normal_delivery! } person ("test1") { email "test1@example.com" all { email } notify_when_on_holiday } person ("test2") { email "test2@example.com" all { email } } alert_group("test") { level URGENT notify( %w(test1 test2)) { every 300 during { true } } } EOF Configuration.current = ConfigurationBuilder.parse(config) notification_buffer = Configuration.current.notification_methods["email"].deliver_to_queue Server.instance.setup alert = Alert.new( :alert_id => "test", :source => "test", :subject => "test" ) assert_equal("test", alert.alert_group.name) alert.raise! assert(alert.raised?) assert_equal(1, notification_buffer.size, "Wrong number of notifications sent") sent = notification_buffer.pop assert_equal("test1@example.com", sent[2]) end def test_notify_when_off_sick attendees = %w(test1 test2) stub_request(:get, "http://localhost/calendar/api/bank_holidays/2011-08-01"). to_return(:status => 200, :body => YAML.dump([])) stub_request(:get, "http://localhost/calendar/api/attendees/sick_period/2011-08-01T00:00:00"). to_return(:status => 200, :body => YAML.dump(attendees)) stub_request(:get, "http://localhost/calendar/api/attendees/staff_holiday/2011-08-01T00:00:00"). to_return(:status => 200, :body => YAML.dump([])) config=<<EOF bytemark_calendar_url "http://localhost/calendar" server { use_notification_buffer false } notification_method("email") { debug! deliver_to_queue [] disable_normal_delivery! } person ("test1") { email "test1@example.com" all { email } } person ("test2") { email "test2@example.com" all { email } notify_when_off_sick } alert_group("test") { level URGENT notify( %w(test1 test2)) { every 300 during { true } } } EOF Configuration.current = ConfigurationBuilder.parse(config) notification_buffer = Configuration.current.notification_methods["email"].deliver_to_queue Server.instance.setup alert = Alert.new( :alert_id => "test", :source => "test", :subject => "test" ) assert_equal("test", alert.alert_group.name) alert.raise! assert(alert.raised?) assert_equal(1, notification_buffer.size, "Wrong number of notifications sent") sent = notification_buffer.pop assert_equal("test2@example.com", sent[2]) end end