# Oxidized [](https://travis-ci.org/Shopify/oxidized) [](http://badge.fury.io/rb/oxidized) Oxidized is a network device configuration backup tool. It's a RANCID replacement! * automatically adds/removes threads to meet configured retrieval interval * restful API to move node immediately to head-of-queue (GET/POST /node/next/[NODE]) * syslog udp+file example to catch config change event (ios/junos) and trigger config fetch * will signal ios/junos user who made change, which output modules can use (via POST) * The git output module uses this info - 'git blame' will for each line show who made the change and when * restful API to reload list of nodes (GET /reload) * restful API to fetch configurations (/node/fetch/[NODE] or /node/fetch/group/[NODE]) * restful API to show list of nodes (GET /nodes) * restful API to show list of version for a node (/node/version[NODE]) and diffs [Youtube Video: Oxidized TREX 2014 presentation](http://youtu.be/kBQ_CTUuqeU#t=3h) #### Index 1. [Supported OS Types](#supported-os-types) 2. [Installation](#installation) * [Debian](#debian) * [CentOS, Oracle Linux, Red Hat Linux version 6](#centos-oracle-linux-red-hat-linux-version 6) 3. [Initial Configuration](#configuration) 4. [Installing Ruby 2.1.2 using RVM](#installing-ruby-2.1.2-using-rvm) 5. [Running with Docker](#running-with-docker) 6. [Cookbook](#cookbook) * [Debugging](#debugging) * [Privileged mode](#privileged-mode) * [Source: CSV](#source-csv) * [Source: SQLite](#source-sqlite) * [Source: HTTP](#source-http) * [Output: GIT](#output-git) * [Output: HTTP](#output-http) * [Output: File](#output-file) * [Output types](#output-types) * [Advanced Configuration](#advanced-configuration) 7. [Ruby API](#ruby-api) * [Input](#input) * [Output](#output) * [Source](#source) * [Model](#model) # Supported OS types * A10 Networks * ACOS * Alcatel-Lucent * AOS * AOS7 * ISAM * TiMOS * Wireless * Arista * EOS * Arris * C4CMTS * Aruba * AOSW * Brocade * FabricOS * Ironware * NOS (Network Operating System) * Vyatta * Ciena * SOAS * Cisco * AireOS * ASA * IOS * IOSXR * NXOS * SMB (Nikola series) * Cumulus * Linux * DELL * PowerConnect * AOSW * Ericsson/Redback * IPOS (former SEOS) * Extreme Networks * XOS * WM * F5 * TMOS * Force10 * DNOS * FTOS * FortiGate * FortiOS * HP * Comware (HP A-series, H3C, 3Com) * Procurve * Huawei * VRP * Juniper * JunOS * ScreenOS (Netscreen) * Mikrotik * RouterOS * Motorola * RFS * MRV * MasterOS * Opengear * Opengear * Palo Alto * PANOS * Ubiquiti * AirOS * Edgeos * EdgeSwitch * Zyxel * ZyNOS # Installation ## Debian Install all required packages and gems. ```shell apt-get install ruby ruby-dev libsqlite3-dev libssl-dev pkg-config cmake gem install oxidized gem install oxidized-script oxidized-web # if you don't install oxidized-web, make sure you remove "rest" from your config ``` ## CentOS, Oracle Linux, Red Hat Linux version 6 Install Ruby 1.9.3 or greater (for Ruby 2.1.2 installation instructions see "Installing Ruby 2.1.2 using RVM"), then install Oxidized dependencies ```shell yum install cmake sqlite-devel openssl-devel libssh2-devel ``` Now lets install oxidized via Rubygems: ```shell gem install oxidized gem install oxidized-script oxidized-web ``` # Configuration Oxidized configuration is in YAML format. Configuration files are subsequently sourced from ```/etc/oxidized/config``` then ```~/.config/oxidized/config```. The hashes will be merged, this might be useful for storing source information in a system wide file and user specific configuration in the home directory (to only include a staff specific username and password). Eg. if many users are using ```oxs```, see [Oxidized::Script](https://github.com/ytti/oxidized-script). To initialize a default configuration in your home directory ```~/.config/oxidized/config```, simply run ```oxidized``` once. If you don't further configure anything from the output and source sections, it'll extend the examples on a subsequent ```oxidized``` execution. This is useful to see what options for a specific source or output backend are available. You can set the env variable `OXIDIZED_HOME` to change its home directory. ``` OXIDIZED_HOME=/etc/oxidized $ tree -L 1 /etc/oxidized /etc/oxidized/ ├── config ├── log-router-ssh ├── log-router-telnet ├── pid ├── router.db └── repository.git ``` ## Source Oxidized supports ```CSV```, ```SQLite``` and ```HTTP``` as source backends. The CSV backend reads nodes from a rancid compatible router.db file. The SQLite backend will fire queries against a database and map certain fields to model items. The HTTP backend will fire queries against a http/https url. Take a look at the [Cookbook](#cookbook) for more details. ## Outputs Possible outputs are either ```file``` or ```git```. The file backend takes a destination directory as argument and will keep a file per device, with most recent running version of a device. The GIT backend (recommended) will initialize an empty GIT repository in the specified path and create a new commit on every configuration change. Take a look at the [Cookbook](#cookbook) for more details. Maps define how to map a model's fields to model [model fields](https://github.com/ytti/oxidized/tree/master/lib/oxidized/model). Most of the settings should be self explanatory, log is ignored if `use_syslog`(requires Ruby >= 2.0) is set to `true`. First create the directory where the CSV ```output``` is going to store device configs and start Oxidized once. ``` mkdir -p ~/.config/oxidized/configs oxidized ``` Now tell Oxidized where it finds a list of network devices to backup configuration from. You can either use CSV or SQLite as source. To create a CSV source add the following snippet: ``` source: default: csv csv: file: ~/.config/oxidized/router.db delimiter: !ruby/regexp /:/ map: name: 0 model: 1 ``` Now lets create a file based device database (you might want to switch to SQLite later on). Put your routers in ```~/.config/oxidized/router.db``` (file format is compatible with rancid). Simply add an item per line: ``` router01.example.com:ios switch01.example.com:procurve router02.example.com:ios ``` Run ```oxidized``` again to take the first backups. # Installing Ruby 2.1.2 using RVM Install Ruby 2.1.2 build dependencies ``` yum install curl gcc-c++ patch readline readline-devel zlib zlib-devel yum install libyaml-devel libffi-devel openssl-devel make cmake yum install bzip2 autoconf automake libtool bison iconv-devel libssh2-devel ``` Install RVM ``` curl -L get.rvm.io | bash -s stable ``` Setup RVM environment and compile and install Ruby 2.1.2 and set it as default ``` source /etc/profile.d/rvm.sh rvm install 2.1.2 rvm use --default 2.1.2 ``` # Running with Docker 1. clone git repo: ``` root@bla:~# git clone https://github.com/ytti/oxidized ``` 2. build container locally: ``` root@bla:~# docker build -q -t oxidized/oxidized:latest oxidized/ ``` 3. create config directory in main system: ``` root@bla~:# mkdir /etc/oxidized ``` 4. run container the first time: ``` root@bla:~# docker run -v /etc/oxidized:/root/.config/oxidized -p 8888:8888/tcp -t oxidized/oxidized:latest oxidized ``` 5. add 'router.db' to /etc/oxidized: ``` root@bla:~# vim /etc/oxidized/router.db [ ... ] root@bla:~# ``` 6. run container again: ``` root@bla:~# docker run -v /etc/oxidized:/root/.config/oxidized -p 8888:8888/tcp -t oxidized/oxidized:latest oxidized[1]: Oxidized starting, running as pid 1 oxidized[1]: Loaded 1 nodes Puma 2.13.4 starting... * Min threads: 0, max threads: 16 * Environment: development * Listening on tcp:// ^C root@bla:~# ``` If you want to have the config automatically reloaded (e.g. when using a http source that changes) ``` root@bla:~# docker run -v /etc/oxidized:/root/.config/oxidized -p 8888:8888/tcp -e CONFIG_RELOAD_INTERVAL=3600 -t oxidized/oxidized:latest ``` ## Cookbook ### Debugging In case a model plugin doesn't work correctly (ios, procurve, etc.), you can enable live debugging of SSH/Telnet sessions. Just add a ```debug``` option, specifying a log file destination to the ```input``` section. The following example will log an active ssh session to ```/home/fisakytt/.config/oxidized/log_input-ssh``` and telnet to ```log_input-telnet```. The file will be truncated on each consecutive ssh/telnet session, so you need to put a ```tailf``` or ```tail -f``` on that file! ``` input: default: ssh, telnet debug: /tmp/oxidized_log_input ssh: secure: false ``` ### Privileged mode To start privileged mode before pulling the configuration, Oxidized needs to send the enable command. You can globally enable this, by adding the following snippet to the global section of the configuration file. ``` vars: enable: S3cre7 ``` ### Source: CSV One line per device, colon seperated. ``` source: default: csv csv: file: /var/lib/oxidized/router.db delimiter: !ruby/regexp /:/ map: name: 0 model: 1 username: 2 password: 3 vars_map: enable: 4 ``` ### SSH Proxy Command Oxidized can `ssh` through a proxy as well. To do so we just need to set `ssh_proxy` variable. ``` ... map: name: 0 model: 1 vars_map: enable: 2 ssh_proxy: 3 ... ``` ### Source: SQLite One row per device, filtered by hostname. ``` source: default: sql sql: adapter: sqlite database: "/var/lib/oxidized/devices.db" table: devices map: name: fqdn model: model username: username password: password vars_map: enable: enable ``` ### Source: HTTP One object per device. HTTP Supports basic auth, configure the user and pass you want to use under the http: section. ``` source: default: http http: url: https://url/api scheme: https delimiter: !ruby/regexp /:/ map: name: hostname model: os username: username password: password vars_map: enable: enable headers: X-Auth-Token: 'somerandomstring' ``` ### Output: File Parent directory needs to be created manually, one file per device, with most recent running config. ``` output: file: directory: /var/lib/oxidized/configs ``` ### Output: Git This uses the rugged/libgit2 interface. So you should remember that normal Git hooks will not be executed. For a single repositories for all devices: ``` yaml output: default: git git: user: Oxidized email: o@example.com repo: "/var/lib/oxidized/devices.git" ``` And for groups repositories: ``` yaml output: default: git git: user: Oxidized email: o@example.com repo: first: "/var/lib/oxidized/first.git" second: "/var/lib/oxidized/second.git" ``` If you would like to use groups and a single repository, you can force this with the `single_repo` config. ``` yaml output: default: git git: single_repo: true repo: "/var/lib/oxidized/devices.git" ``` ### Output: Http POST a config to the specified URL ``` output: default: http http: user: admin password: changeit url: "" ``` ### Output types If you prefer to have different outputs in different files and/or directories, you can easily do this by modifying the corresponding model. To change the behaviour for IOS, you would edit `lib/oxidized/model/ios.rb`. For example, let's say you want to split out `show version` and `show inventory` into separate files in a directory called `nodiff` which your tools will not send automated diffstats for. You can apply a patch along the lines of ``` - cmd 'show version' do |cfg| - comment cfg.lines.first + cmd 'show version' do |state| + state.type = 'nodiff' + state - cmd 'show inventory' do |cfg| - comment cfg + cmd 'show inventory' do |state| + state.type = 'nodiff' + state + end - cmd 'show running-config' do |cfg| - cfg = cfg.each_line.to_a[3..-1].join - cfg.gsub! /^Current configuration : [^\n]*\n/, '' - cfg.sub! /^(ntp clock-period).*/, '! \1' - cfg.gsub! /^\ tunnel\ mpls\ traffic-eng\ bandwidth[^\n]*\n*( + cmd 'show running-config' do |state| + state = state.each_line.to_a[3..-1].join + state.gsub! /^Current configuration : [^\n]*\n/, '' + state.sub! /^(ntp clock-period).*/, '! \1' + state.gsub! /^\ tunnel\ mpls\ traffic-eng\ bandwidth[^\n]*\n*( (?:\ [^\n]*\n*)* tunnel\ mpls\ traffic-eng\ auto-bw)/mx, '\1' - cfg + state = Oxidized::String.new state + state.type = 'nodiff' + state ``` which will result in the following layout ``` diff/$FQDN--show_running_config nodiff/$FQDN--show_version nodiff/$FQDN--show_inventory ``` ### RESTful API and Web Interface The RESTful API and Web Interface is enabled by configuring the `rest:` parameter in the config file. This parameter can optionally contain a relative URI. ``` # Listen on rest: ``` ``` # Listen on rest: ``` ### Advanced Configuration Below is an advanced example configuration. You will be able to (optinally) override options per device. The router.db format used is ```hostname:model:username:password:enable_password```. Hostname and model will be the only required options, all others override the global configuration sections. ``` --- username: oxidized password: S3cr3tx model: junos interval: 3600 log: ~/.config/oxidized/log debug: false threads: 30 timeout: 20 retries: 3 prompt: !ruby/regexp /^([\w.@-]+[#>]\s?)$/ vars: enable: S3cr3tx groups: {} rest: input: default: ssh, telnet debug: false ssh: secure: false output: default: git git: user: Oxidized email: oxidized@example.com repo: "~/.config/oxidized/oxidized.git" source: default: csv csv: file: ~/.config/oxidized/router.db delimiter: !ruby/regexp /:/ map: name: 0 model: 1 username: 2 password: 3 vars_map: enable: 4 model_map: cisco: ios juniper: junos ``` # Hooks You can define arbitrary number of hooks that subscribe different events. The hook system is modular and different kind of hook types can be enabled. ## Configuration Following configuration keys need to be defined for all hooks: * `events`: which events to subscribe. Needs to be an array. See below for the list of available events. * `type`: what hook class to use. See below for the list of available hook types. ### Events * `node_success`: triggered when configuration is succesfully pulled from a node and right before storing the configuration. * `node_fail`: triggered after `retries` amount of failed node pulls. * `post_store`: triggered after node configuration is stored (this is executed only when the configuration has changed). ## Hook type: exec The `exec` hook type allows users to run an arbitrary shell command or a binary when triggered. The command is executed on a separate child process either in synchronous or asynchronous fashion. Non-zero exit values cause errors to be logged. STDOUT and STDERR are currently not collected. Command is executed with the following environment: ``` OX_EVENT OX_NODE_NAME OX_NODE_FROM OX_NODE_MSG OX_NODE_GROUP OX_JOB_STATUS OX_JOB_TIME OX_REPO_COMMITREF OX_REPO_NAME ``` Exec hook recognizes following configuration keys: * `timeout`: hard timeout for the command execution. SIGTERM will be sent to the child process after the timeout has elapsed. Default: 60 * `async`: influences whether main thread will wait for the command execution. Set this true for long running commands so node pull is not blocked. Default: false * `cmd`: command to run. ## Hook configuration example ``` hooks: name_for_example_hook1: type: exec events: [node_success] cmd: 'echo "Node success $OX_NODE_NAME" >> /tmp/ox_node_success.log' name_for_example_hook2: type: exec events: [post_store, node_fail] cmd: 'echo "Doing long running stuff for $OX_NODE_NAME" >> /tmp/ox_node_stuff.log; sleep 60' async: true timeout: 120 ``` ### githubrepo This hook configures the repository `remote` and _push_ the code when the specified event is triggerd. If the `username` and `password` are not provided, the `Rugged::Credentials::SshKeyFromAgent` will be used. `githubrepo` hook recognizes following configuration keys: * `remote_repo`: the remote repository to be pushed to. * `username`: username for repository auth. * `password`: password for repository auth. * `publickey`: publickey for repository auth. * `privatekey`: privatekey for repository auth. When using groups repositories, each group must have its own `remote` in the `remote_repo` config. ``` yaml hooks: push_to_remote: remote_repo: routers: git@git.intranet:oxidized/routers.git switches: git@git.intranet:oxidized/switches.git firewalls: git@git.intranet:oxidized/firewalls.git ``` ## Hook configuration example ``` yaml hooks: push_to_remote: type: githubrepo events: [node_success, post_store] remote_repo: git@git.intranet:oxidized/test.git username: user password: pass ``` # Ruby API The following objects exist in Oxidized. ## Input * gets config from nodes * must implement 'connect', 'get', 'cmd' * 'ssh' and 'telnet' implemented ## Output * stores config * must implement 'store' (may implement 'fetch') * 'git' and 'file' (store as flat ascii) implemented ## Source * gets list of nodes to poll * must implement 'load' * source can have 'name', 'model', 'group', 'username', 'password', 'input', 'output', 'prompt' * name - name of the devices * model - model to use ios/junos/xyz, model is loaded dynamically when needed (Also default in config file) * input - method to acquire config, loaded dynamically as needed (Also default in config file) * output - method to store config, loaded dynamically as needed (Also default in config file) * prompt - prompt used for node (Also default in config file, can be specified in model too) * 'sql', 'csv' and 'http' (supports any format with single entry per line, like router.db) ## Model * lists commands to gather from given device model * can use 'cmd', 'prompt', 'comment', 'cfg' * cfg is executed in input/output/source context * cmd is executed in instance of model * 'junos', 'ios', 'ironware' and 'powerconnect' implemented # License and Copyright Copyright 2013-2015 Saku Ytti <saku@ytti.fi> 2013-2015 Samer Abdel-Hafez <sam@arahant.net> Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.