# Configuration ## Debugging In case a model plugin doesn't work correctly (ios, procurve, etc.), you can enable live debugging of SSH/Telnet sessions. Just add a `debug` option containing the value true to the `input` section. The log files will be created depending on the parent directory of the logfile option. The following example will log an active ssh/telnet session `/home/oxidized/.config/oxidized/log/<IP-Adress>-<PROTOCOL>`. The file will be truncated on each consecutive ssh/telnet session, so you need to put a `tailf` or `tail -f` on that file! ```yaml log: /home/oxidized/.config/oxidized/log ... input: default: ssh, telnet debug: true ssh: secure: false ``` ## Privileged mode To start privileged mode before pulling the configuration, Oxidized needs to send the enable command. You can globally enable this, by adding the following snippet to the global section of the configuration file. ```yaml vars: enable: S3cre7 ``` ## Removing secrets To strip out secrets from configurations before storing them, Oxidized needs the the remove_secrets flag. You can globally enable this by adding the following snippet to the global sections of the configuration file. ```yaml vars: remove_secret: true ``` Device models can contain substitution filters to remove potentially sensitive data from configs. As a partial example from ios.rb: ```yaml cmd :secret do |cfg| cfg.gsub! /^(snmp-server community).*/, '\\1 <configuration removed>' (...) cfg end ``` The above strips out snmp community strings from your saved configs. **NOTE:** Removing secrets reduces the usefulness as a full configuration backup, but it may make sharing configs easier. ## Disabling SSH exec channels Oxidized uses exec channels to make information extraction simpler, but there are some situations where this doesn't work well, e.g. configuring devices. This feature can be turned off by setting the `ssh_no_exec` variable. ```yaml vars: ssh_no_exec: true ``` ## SSH Proxy Command Oxidized can `ssh` through a proxy as well. To do so we just need to set `ssh_proxy` variable. ```yaml ... map: name: 0 model: 1 vars_map: enable: 2 ssh_proxy: 3 ... ``` ## FTP Passive Mode Oxidized uses ftp passive mode by default. Some devices require passive mode to be disabled. To do so, we can set `input.ftp.passive` to false ```yaml input: ftp: passive: false ``` ## Advanced Configuration Below is an advanced example configuration. You will be able to (optionally) override options per device. The router.db format used is `hostname:model:username:password:enable_password`. Hostname and model will be the only required options, all others override the global configuration sections. ```yaml --- username: oxidized password: S3cr3tx model: junos interval: 3600 #interval in seconds log: ~/.config/oxidized/log debug: false threads: 30 timeout: 20 retries: 3 prompt: !ruby/regexp /^([\w.@-]+[#>]\s?)$/ vars: enable: S3cr3tx groups: {} rest: pid: ~/.config/oxidized/oxidized.pid input: default: ssh, telnet debug: false ssh: secure: false output: default: git git: user: Oxidized email: oxidized@example.com repo: "~/.config/oxidized/oxidized.git" source: default: csv csv: file: ~/.config/oxidized/router.db delimiter: !ruby/regexp /:/ map: name: 0 model: 1 username: 2 password: 3 vars_map: enable: 4 model_map: cisco: ios juniper: junos ``` ## Advanced Group Configuration For group specific credentials ```yaml groups: mikrotik: username: admin password: blank ubiquiti: username: ubnt password: ubnt ``` and add group mapping ```yaml map: model: 0 name: 1 group: 2 ``` For model specific credentials ```yaml models: junos: username: admin password: password ironware: username: admin password: password vars: enable: enablepassword apc_aos: username: apc password: password ``` ## RESTful API and Web Interface The RESTful API and Web Interface is enabled by configuring the `rest:` parameter in the config file. This parameter can optionally contain a relative URI. ```yaml # Listen on rest: ``` ```yaml # Listen on rest: ``` ## Triggered backups A node can be moved to head-of-queue via the REST API `GET/POST /node/next/[NODE]`. In the default configuration this node will be processed when the next job worker becomes available, it could take some time if existing backups are in progress. To execute moved jobs immediately a new job can be added: ```yaml next_adds_job: true ```