# Ruby API The following objects exist in Oxidized. ## Input * gets config from nodes * must implement 'connect', 'get', 'cmd' * 'ssh', 'telnet, ftp, and tftp' implemented ## Output * stores config * must implement 'store' (may implement 'fetch') * 'git' and 'file' (store as flat ascii) implemented ## Source * gets list of nodes to poll * must implement 'load' * source can have 'name', 'model', 'group', 'username', 'password', 'input', 'output', 'prompt' * name - name of the devices * model - model to use ios/junos/xyz, model is loaded dynamically when needed (Also default in config file) * input - method to acquire config, loaded dynamically as needed (Also default in config file) * output - method to store config, loaded dynamically as needed (Also default in config file) * prompt - prompt used for node (Also default in config file, can be specified in model too) * 'sql', 'csv' and 'http' (supports any format with single entry per line, like router.db) ## Model ### At the top level A model may use several methods at the top level in the class. `cfg` is executed in input/output/source context. `cmd` is executed within an instance of the model. #### `cfg` `cfg` may be called with a list of methods (`:ssh`, `:telnet`) and a block with zero parameters. Calling `cfg` registers the given access methods and calling it at least once is required for a model to work. The block may contain commands to change some behaviour for the given methods (e.g. calling `post_login` to disable the pager). #### `cmd` Is used to specify commands that should be executed on a model in order to gather its configuration. It can be called with: * Just a string * A string and a block * `:all` and a block * `:secret` and a block The block takes a single parameter `cfg` containing the output of the command being processed. Calling `cmd` with just a string will emit the output of the command given in that string as configuration. Calling `cmd` with a string and a block will pass the output of the given command to the block, then emit its return value (that must be a string) as configuration. Calling `cmd` with `:all` and a block will pass all command output through this block before emitting it. This is useful if some cleanup is required of the output of all commands. Calling `cmd` with `:secret` and a block will pass all configuration to the given block before emitting it to hide secrets if secret hiding is enabled. The block should replace any secrets with `'<hidden>'` and return the resulting string. Execution order is `:all`, `:secret`, and lastly the command specific block, if given. #### `comment` Called with a single string containing the string to prepend for comments in emitted configuration for this model. If not specified the default of `'# '` will be used (note the trailing space). #### `prompt` Is called with a regular expression that is used to detect when command output ends after a command has been executed. If not specified, a default of `/^([\w.@-]+[#>]\s?)$/` is used. #### `expect` Called with a regular expression and a block. The block takes two parameters: the regular expression, and the data containing the match. The passed data is replaced by the return value of the block. `expect` can be used to, for example, strip escape sequences from output before it's further processed. ### At the second level The following methods are available: #### `comment` Used inside `cmd` invocations. Comments out every line in the passed string and returns the result. #### `password` Used inside `cfg` invocations to specify the regular expression used to detect the password prompt. If not specified, the default of `/^Password/` is used. #### `post_login` Used inside `cfg` invocations to specify commands to run once Oxidized has logged in to the switch. Takes one argument that is either a block (taking zero parameters) or a string containing a command to execute. #### `pre_logout` Used to specify commands to run before Oxidized closes the connection to the switch. Takes one argument that is either a block (taking zero parameters) or a string containing a command to execute. #### `send` Usually used inside `expect` or blocks passed to `post_login`/`pre_logout`. Takes a single parameter: a string to be sent to the switch.