module Oxidized require 'asetus' class NoConfig < OxidizedError; end class Config Root = File.join ENV['HOME'], '.config', 'oxidized' Crash = File.join Root, 'crash' InputDir = File.join Directory, %w(lib oxidized input) OutputDir = File.join Directory, %w(lib oxidized output) ModelDir = File.join Directory, %w(lib oxidized model) SourceDir = File.join Directory, %w(lib oxidized source) Sleep = 1 end class << self attr_accessor :mgr end CFGS = :name=>'oxidized', :load=>false, :key_to_s=>true CFGS.default.username = 'username' CFGS.default.password = 'password' CFGS.default.model = 'junos' CFGS.default.interval = 3600 CFGS.default.log = File.join Config::Root, 'log' CFGS.default.debug = false CFGS.default.threads = 30 CFGS.default.timeout = 30 CFGS.default.prompt = /^([\w.@-]+[#>]\s?)$/ = '' # or false to disable CFGS.default.vars = {} # could be 'enable'=>'enablePW' CFGS.default.groups = {} # group level configuration CFGS.default.remove_secret = false # runs cmd(:secret) blocks if true CFGS.default.input.default = 'ssh, telnet' = false # complain about changed certs CFGS.default.output.default = 'file' # file, git CFGS.default.source.default = 'csv' # csv, sql CFGS.default.model_map = { 'cisco' => 'ios', 'juniper' => 'junos', } CFGS.load # load system+user configs, merge to Config.cfg CFG = CFGS.cfg # convenienence, instead of Config.cfg.password, CFG.password Log.level = Logger::INFO unless CFG.debug raise NoConfig, 'edit ~/.config/oxidized/config' if CFGS.create Log.file = CFG.log if CFG.log end