class GithubRepo < Oxidized::Hook def validate_cfg! raise KeyError, 'hook.remote_repo is required' unless cfg.has_key?('remote_repo') end def run_hook(ctx) repo = log "Pushing local repository(#{repo.path})..." remote = repo.remotes['origin'] || repo.remotes.create('origin', remote_repo(ctx.node)) log "to remote: #{remote.url}" fetch_and_merge_remote(repo) remote.push([], credentials: credentials) end def fetch_and_merge_remote(repo) result = repo.fetch('origin', [], credentials: credentials) log result.inspect, :debug unless result[:total_deltas] > 0 log "nothing recieved after fetch", :debug return end their_branch = repo.branches["origin/master"] log "merging fetched branch #{}", :debug merge_index = repo.merge_commits(repo.head.target_id, their_branch.target_id) if merge_index.conflicts? log("Conflicts detected, skipping Rugged::Commit.create", :warn) return end Rugged::Commit.create(repo, { parents: [,], tree: merge_index.write_tree(repo), message: "Merge remote-tracking branch '#{}'", update_ref: "HEAD" }) end private def credentials @credentials ||= if cfg.has_key?('username') && cfg.has_key?('password') log "Using https auth", :debug cfg.username, password: cfg.password) else if cfg.has_key?('publickey') && cfg.has_key?('privatekey') log "Using ssh auth with key", :debug 'git', publickey: File.expand_path(cfg.publickey), privatekey: File.expand_path(cfg.privatekey)) else log "Using ssh auth with agentforwarding", :debug 'git') end end end def remote_repo(node) if || cfg.remote_repo.is_a?(String) cfg.remote_repo else cfg.remote_repo[] end end end