require 'xmpp4r' require 'xmpp4r/muc/helper/simplemucclient' class XMPPDiff < Oxidized::Hook def validate_cfg! raise KeyError, 'hook.jid is required' unless cfg.has_key?('jid') raise KeyError, 'hook.password is required' unless cfg.has_key?('password') raise KeyError, ' is required' unless cfg.has_key?('channel') raise KeyError, 'hook.nick is required' unless cfg.has_key?('nick') end def run_hook(ctx) return unless ctx.node return unless ctx.event.to_s == "post_store" begin Timeout.timeout(15) do gitoutput = diff = gitoutput.get_diff ctx.node,, ctx.commitref, nil interesting = diff[:patch].lines.to_a[4..-1].any? do |line| ["+", "-"].include?(line[0]) and not ["#", "!"].include?(line[1]) end interesting &&= diff[:patch].lines.to_a[5..-1].any? { |line| line[0] == '-' } interesting &&= diff[:patch].lines.to_a[5..-1].any? { |line| line[0] == '+' } if interesting log "Connecting to XMPP" client = client.connect sleep 1 client.auth(cfg.password) sleep 1 log "Connected" m = m.join( + "/" + cfg.nick) log "Joined" title = "#{} #{} #{}" log "Posting diff as snippet to #{}" m.say(title + "\n\n" + diff[:patch].lines.to_a[4..-1].join) sleep 1 client.close log "Finished" end end rescue Timeout::Error log "timed out" end end end