module Oxidized require 'net/ssh' require 'net/ssh/proxy/command' require 'timeout' require 'oxidized/input/cli' class SSH < Input RescueFail = { :debug => [ Net::SSH::Disconnect, ], :warn => [ RuntimeError, Net::SSH::AuthenticationFailed, ], } include Input::CLI class NoShell < OxidizedError; end def connect node @node = node @output = '' @node.model.cfg['ssh'].each { |cb| instance_exec(&cb) } secure = @log = + "/#{@node.ip}-ssh", 'w') if Oxidized.config.input.debug? port = vars(:ssh_port) || 22 if proxy_host = vars(:ssh_proxy) proxy ="ssh #{proxy_host} -W %h:%p") end ssh_opts = { :port => port.to_i, :password => @node.auth[:password], :timeout => Oxidized.config.timeout, :paranoid => secure, :auth_methods => %w(none publickey password keyboard-interactive), :number_of_password_prompts => 0, :proxy => proxy } ssh_opts[:kex] = vars(:ssh_kex).split(/,\s*/) if vars(:ssh_kex) ssh_opts[:encryption] = vars(:ssh_encryption).split(/,\s*/) if vars(:ssh_encryption) Oxidized.logger.debug "lib/oxidized/input/ssh.rb: Connecting to #{}" @ssh = Net::SSH.start(@node.ip, @node.auth[:username], ssh_opts) unless @exec shell_open @ssh begin @username ? shell_login : expect(@node.prompt) rescue Timeout::Error raise PromptUndetect, [ @output, 'not matching configured prompt', @node.prompt ].join(' ') end end connected? end def connected? @ssh and not @ssh.closed? end def cmd cmd, expect=node.prompt Oxidized.logger.debug "lib/oxidized/input/ssh.rb #{cmd} @ #{} with expect: #{expect.inspect}" if @exec @ssh.exec! cmd else cmd_shell(cmd, expect).gsub(/\r\n/, "\n") end end def send data @ses.send_data data end def output @output end private def disconnect disconnect_cli # if disconnect does not disconnect us, give up after timeout Timeout::timeout(Oxidized.config.timeout) { @ssh.loop } rescue Errno::ECONNRESET, Net::SSH::Disconnect, IOError ensure @log.close if Oxidized.config.input.debug? (@ssh.close rescue true) unless @ssh.closed? end def shell_open ssh @ses = ssh.open_channel do |ch| ch.on_data do |_ch, data| if Oxidized.config.input.debug? @log.print data @log.fsync end @output << data @output = @node.model.expects @output end ch.request_pty (_opts={:term=>'vt100'}) do |_ch, success_pty| raise NoShell, "Can't get PTY" unless success_pty ch.send_channel_request 'shell' do |_ch, success_shell| raise NoShell, "Can't get shell" unless success_shell end end end end # Cisco WCS has extremely dubious SSH implementation, SSH auth is always # success, it always opens shell and then run auth in shell. I guess # they'll never support exec() :) def shell_login expect username cmd @node.auth[:username], password cmd @node.auth[:password] end def exec state=nil state == nil ? @exec : (@exec=state) unless vars :ssh_no_exec end def cmd_shell(cmd, expect_re) @output = '' @ses.send_data cmd + "\n" @ses.process expect expect_re if expect_re @output end def expect regexp Oxidized.logger.debug "lib/oxidized/input/ssh.rb: expecting #{regexp.inspect} at #{}" Timeout::timeout(Oxidized.config.timeout) do @ssh.loop(0.1) do sleep 0.1 not @output.match regexp end end end end end