module Oxidized class Jobs < Array AVERAGE_DURATION = 5 # initially presume nodes take 5s to complete MAX_INTER_JOB_GAP = 300 # add job if more than X from last job started attr_accessor :interval, :max, :want def initialize max, interval, nodes @max = max @interval = interval @nodes = nodes @last = @durations = @nodes.size, AVERAGE_DURATION duration AVERAGE_DURATION super() end def push arg @last = super end def duration last if @durations.size > @nodes.size @durations.slice! @nodes.size...@durations.size elsif @durations.size < @nodes.size @durations.fill AVERAGE_DURATION, @durations.size...@nodes.size end @durations.push(last).shift @duration = @durations.inject(:+).to_f / @nodes.size #rolling average new_count end def new_count @want = ((@nodes.size * @duration) / @interval).ceil @want = 1 if @want < 1 @want = @nodes.size if @want > @nodes.size @want = @max if @want > @max end def work # if a) we want less or same amount of threads as we now running # and b) we want less threads running than the total amount of nodes # and c) there is more than MAX_INTER_JOB_GAP since last one was started # then we want one more thread (rationale is to fix hanging thread causing HOLB) if @want <= size and @want < @nodes.size @want +=1 if ( - @last) > MAX_INTER_JOB_GAP end end end end