class AOSW < Oxidized::Model # AOSW Aruba Wireless # Used in Alcatel OAW-4750 WLAN controller # Also Dell controllers comment '# ' prompt /^\([^)]+\) [#>]/ cmd :all do |cfg| cfg.each_line.to_a[1..-2].join end cmd 'show version' do |cfg| cfg = { |line| not line.match /Switch uptime/i } comment cfg.join end cmd 'show inventory' do |cfg| clean cfg end cmd 'show slots' do |cfg| comment cfg end cmd 'show license' do |cfg| comment cfg end cmd 'show configuration' do |cfg| cfg end cfg :telnet do username /^User:\s*/ password /^Password:\s*/ end cfg :telnet, :ssh do if vars :enable post_login do send 'enable\n' send vars(:enable) + '\n' end end post_login 'no paging' if vars :enable pre_logout 'exit' end pre_logout 'exit' end def clean cfg out = [] cfg.each_line do |line| # drop the temperature, fan speed and voltage, which change each run next if line.match /Output \d Config/i next if line.match /(Tachometers|Temperatures|Voltages)/ next if line.match /((Card|CPU) Temperature|Chassis Fan|VMON1[0-9])/ next if line.match /[0-9]+ (RPM|RPMs|mV|C)$/ out << line.strip end out = comment out.join "\n" out << "\n" end end