class ASA < Oxidized::Model # Cisco ASA model # # Only SSH supported for the sake of security prompt /^\r*([\w.@()-\/]+[#>]\s?)$/ comment '! ' cmd :all do |cfg| cfg.each_line.to_a[1..-2].join end cmd :secret do |cfg| cfg.gsub! /enable password (\S+) (.*)/, 'enable password <secret hidden> \2' cfg.gsub! /username (\S+) password (\S+) (.*)/, 'username \1 password <secret hidden> \3' cfg.gsub! /(ikev[12] ((remote|local)-authentication )?pre-shared-key) (\S+)/, '\1 <secret hidden>' cfg.gsub! /^(aaa-server TACACS\+? \(\S+\) host.*\n\skey) \S+$/mi, '\1 <secret hidden>' cfg.gsub! /ldap-login-password (\S+)/, 'ldap-login-password <secret hidden>' cfg.gsub! /^snmp-server host (.*) community (\S+)/, 'snmp-server host \1 community <secret hidden>' cfg end # check for multiple contexts cmd 'show mode' do |cfg| @is_multiple_context = cfg.include? 'multiple' end cmd 'show version' do |cfg| # avoid commits due to uptime / ixo-router01 up 2 mins 28 secs / ixo-router01 up 1 days 2 hours cfg = cfg.each_line.reject { |line| line.match /(\s+up\s+\d+\s+)|(.*days.*)/ } cfg = cfg.join comment cfg end cmd 'show inventory' do |cfg| comment cfg end post do if @is_multiple_context multiple_context else single_context end end cfg :ssh do if vars :enable post_login do send "enable\n" cmd vars(:enable) end end post_login 'terminal pager 0' pre_logout 'exit' end def single_context # Single context mode cmd 'more system:running-config' do |cfg| cfg = cfg.each_line.to_a[3..-1].join cfg.gsub! /^: [^\n]*\n/, '' # backup any xml referenced in the configuration. anyconnect_profiles = cfg.scan('(\sdisk0:/.+\.xml)')).flatten anyconnect_profiles.each do |profile| cfg << (comment profile + "\n") cmd ("more" + profile) do |xml| cfg << (comment xml) end end # if DAP is enabled, also backup dap.xml if cfg.rindex(/dynamic-access-policy-record\s(?!DfltAccessPolicy)/) cfg << (comment "disk0:/dap.xml\n") cmd "more disk0:/dap.xml" do |xml| cfg << (comment xml) end end cfg end end def multiple_context # Multiple context mode cmd 'changeto system' do |cfg| cmd 'show running-config' do |systemcfg| allcfg = "\n\n" + systemcfg + "\n\n" contexts = systemcfg.scan(/^context (\S+)$/) files = systemcfg.scan(/config-url (\S+)$/) contexts.each_with_index do |cont, i| allcfg = allcfg + "\n\n----------========== [ CONTEXT " + cont.join(" ") + " FILE " + files[i].join(" ") + " ] ==========----------\n\n" cmd "more " + files[i].join(" ") do |cfgcontext| allcfg = allcfg + "\n\n" + cfgcontext end end cfg = allcfg end cfg end end end