class IOS < Oxidized::Model prompt /^([\w.@()-]+[#>]\s?)$/ comment '! ' # example how to handle pager #expect /^\s--More--\s+.*$/ do |data, re| # send ' ' # data.sub re, '' #end # non-preferred way to handle additional PW prompt #expect /^[\w.]+>$/ do |data| # send "enable\n" # send vars(:enable) + "\n" # data #end cmd :all do |cfg| #cfg.gsub! /\cH+\s{8}/, '' # example how to handle pager #cfg.gsub! /\cH+/, '' # example how to handle pager # get rid of errors for commands that don't work on some devices cfg.gsub! /^% Invalid input detected at '\^' marker\.$|^\s+\^$/, '' cfg.each_line.to_a[1..-2].join end cmd :secret do |cfg| cfg.gsub! /^(snmp-server community).*/, '\\1 <configuration removed>' cfg.gsub! /username (\S+) privilege (\d+) (\S+).*/, '<secret hidden>' cfg.gsub! /^username \S+ password \d \S+/, '<secret hidden>' cfg.gsub! /^username \S+ secret \d \S+/, '<secret hidden>' cfg.gsub! /^enable (password|secret) \d \S+/, '<secret hidden>' cfg.gsub! /^(\s+(?:password|secret)) (?:\d )?\S+/, '\\1 <secret hidden>' cfg.gsub! /wpa-psk ascii \d \S+/, '<secret hidden>' cfg.gsub! /key 7 \d.+/, '<secret hidden>' cfg.gsub! /^tacacs-server key \d \S+/, '<secret hidden>' cfg end cmd 'show version' do |cfg| comments = [] comments << cfg.lines.first lines = cfg.lines lines.each_with_index do |line,i| slave = '' slaveslot = '' if line.match /^Slave in slot (\d+) is running/ slave = " Slave:"; slaveslot = ", slot #{$1}"; end if line.match /^Compiled (.*)$/ comments << "Image:#{slave} Compiled: #{$1}" end if line.match /^(?:Cisco )?IOS .* Software,? \(([A-Za-z0-9_-]*)\), .*Version\s+(.*)$/ comments << "Image:#{slave} Software: #{$1}, #{$2}" end if line.match /^ROM: (IOS \S+ )?(System )?Bootstrap.*(Version.*)$/ comments << "ROM Bootstrap: #{$3}" end if line.match /^BOOTFLASH: .*(Version.*)$/ comments << "BOOTFLASH: #{$1}" end if line.match /^(\d+[kK]) bytes of (non-volatile|NVRAM)/ comments << "Memory: nvram #{$1}" end if line.match /^(\d+[kK]) bytes of (flash memory|flash internal|processor board System flash|ATA CompactFlash)/i comments << "Memory: flash #{$1}" end if line.match (/^(\d+[kK]) bytes of (Flash|ATA)?.*PCMCIA .*(slot|disk) ?(\d)/i) comments << "Memory: pcmcia #{$2} #{$3}#{$4} #{$1}"; end if line.match /(\S+(?:\sseries)?)\s+(?:\((\S+)\)\s+processor|\(revision[^)]+\)).*\s+with (\S+k) bytes/i sproc = $1 cpu = $2 mem = $3 cpuxtra = '' comments << "Chassis type:#{slave} #{sproc}"; comments << "Memory:#{slave} main #{mem}"; # check the next two lines for more CPU info if cfg.lines[i+1].match /processor board id (\S+)/i comments << "Processor ID: #{$1}"; end if cfg.lines[i+2].match /(cpu at |processor: |#{cpu} processor,)/i # change implementation to impl and prepend comma cpuxtra = cfg.lines[i+2].gsub(/implementation/,'impl').gsub(/^/,', ').chomp; end comments << "CPU:#{slave} #{cpu}#{cpuxtra}#{slaveslot}"; end if line.match /^System image file is "([^\"]*)"$/ comments << "Image: #{$1}" end end comments << "\n" comment comments.join "\n" end cmd 'show vtp status' do |cfg| cfg.gsub! /^$\n/, '' cfg.gsub! /^/, 'VTP: ' if (!cfg.empty?) comment "#{cfg}\n" end cmd 'show inventory' do |cfg| comment cfg end cmd 'show running-config' do |cfg| cfg = cfg.each_line.to_a[3..-1] cfg = cfg.reject { |line| line.match /^ntp clock-period / }.join cfg.gsub! /^Current configuration : [^\n]*\n/, '' cfg.gsub! /^\ tunnel\ mpls\ traffic-eng\ bandwidth[^\n]*\n*( (?:\ [^\n]*\n*)* tunnel\ mpls\ traffic-eng\ auto-bw)/mx, '\1' cfg end cfg :telnet do username /^Username:/ password /^Password:/ end cfg :telnet, :ssh do # preferred way to handle additional passwords if vars :enable post_login do send "enable\n" cmd vars(:enable) end end post_login 'terminal length 0' post_login 'terminal width 0' pre_logout 'exit' end end