class Supermicro < Oxidized::Model comment '! ' # example how to handle pager # --- [Space] Next page, [Enter] Next line, [A] All, Others to exit --- expect /^---(.*)exit ---$/ do |data, re| send 'a' data.sub re, '' end cmd :secret do |cfg| cfg.gsub!(/password \d+ (\S+).*/, '') cfg.gsub!(/community (\S+)/, 'community ') cfg end cmd :all do |cfg| cfg.each_line.to_a[1..-2].join end cmd 'show running-config' cmd 'show access-list tcam-utilization' do |cfg| comment cfg end cmd 'show memory' do |cfg| comment cfg end cmd 'show version' do |cfg| comment cfg end cmd 'show watchdog' do |cfg| comment cfg end cfg :telnet do username /^Username:/ password /^Password:/ end cfg :telnet, :ssh do pre_logout 'exit' end end