class TPLink < Oxidized::Model # tp-link prompt prompt /^\r?([\w.@()-]+[#>]\s?)$/ comment '! ' # handle paging # workaround for sometimes missing whitespaces with "\s?" expect /Press\s?any\s?key\s?to\s?continue\s?\(Q\s?to\s?quit\)/ do |data, re| send ' ' data.sub re, '' end # send carriage return because \n with the command is not enough # checks if line ends with prompt >,# or \r,\nm otherwise send \r expect /[^>#\r\n]$/ do |data, re| send "\r" data.sub re, '' end cmd :all do |cfg| # normalize linefeeds cfg.gsub! /(\r|\r\n|\n\r)/,"\n" # remove empty lines cfg.each_line.reject { |line| line.match /^[\r\n\s\u0000#]+$/ }.join end cmd :secret do |cfg| cfg.gsub! /^(snmp-server community).*/, '\\1 ' cfg.gsub! /secret (\d+) (\S+).*/, '