class ZhoneOLT < Oxidized::Model # Zhone OLT/MetroE/DSL devices (ONT uses a completely different CLI) # the prompt can be anything on zhone, but it defaults to 'zXX>' and we # always use hostname> prompt /^(\r*[\w.@():-]+[>]\s?)$/ comment '# ' cmd :secret do |cfg| cfg.gsub! /^(set configsyncpasswd = ) \S+/, '\\1 <removed>' cfg.gsub! /^(set user-pass = ) \S+/, '\\1 <removed>' cfg.gsub! /^(set auth-key = ) \S+/, '\\1 <removed>' cfg.gsub! /^(set priv-key = ) \S+/, '\\1 <removed>' cfg.gsub! /^(set ftp-password = ) \S+/, '\\1 <removed>' cfg.gsub! /^(set community-name = ) \S+/, '\\1 <removed>' cfg.gsub! /^(set communityname = ) \S+/, '\\1 <removed>' cfg end cmd :all do |cfg| cfg.each_line.to_a[1..-2].map { |line| line.delete("\r").rstrip }.join("\n") + "\n" end cmd 'swversion' do |cfg| comment cfg end cmd 'slots' do |cfg| comment cfg end cmd 'eeshow card' do |cfg| comment cfg end cmd 'ethrpshow' do |cfg| cfg = { |line| line.match /Vendor (Name|OUI|Part|Revision)|Serial Number|Manufacturing Date/ }.join comment cfg end cmd 'dump console' do |cfg| cfg = cfg.each_line.reject { |line| line.match /To Abort the operation enter Ctrl-C/ }.join end # zhone technically supports ssh, but it locks up a ton. Especially when # showing large amounts of output, like "dump console" cfg :telnet do username /\r*login:/ password /\r*password:/ pre_logout 'logout' end end