require 'json' class Array def second; return self[1]; end def third; return self[2]; end def rest; return self[1..-1]; end end $stuff = JSON.parse("stuff.json")) $rooms = JSON.parse("rooms.json")) $inventory = [] $room = "start" $energy = 10 $light = false def look if $rooms[$room]["dark"] and !$light then puts "It's too dark, you can't see anything." else puts $rooms[$room]["summary"] things = $rooms[$room]["inventory"] if then puts "You see nothing." else puts "You see:" things.each do |thing| puts "\t#{thing}" end end end end def handle(line) a = line.split case a.first when "look" if a.second == "me" || a.second == "self" then puts "A daring adventurer." puts "HP: #{$energy}" handle "inventory" else look end when "take", "get" if $rooms[$room]["inventory"].include?(a.second) then $inventory << a.second $rooms[$room]["inventory"].delete(a.second) puts "You take the #{a.second}." else puts "You can't see a(n) #{a.second}." end when "north", "south", "east", "west" handle "go #{a.first}" when "go" $room = $rooms[$room][a.second] look when "inventory" if $ then puts "You have nothing." else puts "You have:" $inventory.each do |thing| puts "\t#{thing}" end end when "light" if $inventory.include?(a.second) then if $stuff[a.second]["light"] then puts "You light the #{a.second}." $light = true else puts "You can't light that." end else puts "You don't have a(n) #{a.second} to light." end when "snuff" if $inventory.include?(a.second) then if $stuff[a.second]["light"] then puts "You snuff the #{a.second}." $light = false else puts "You can't light that, let alone snuff it." end else puts "You don't have a(n) #{a.second} to snuff." end when "eat" if $inventory.include?(a.second) then if $stuff[a.second]["edible"] then $energy += $stuff[a.second]["energy"] puts "A tasty #{a.second}" $inventory.delete(a.second) else puts "You can't eat that." end else puts "You don't have a(n) #{a.second} to eat." end end end look loop do print ">: " line = gets.strip.downcase handle(line) end