#!/usr/bin/env ruby require "openssl" require "base32" require "optimist" def db32(str) Base32.decode(str) end def hs1(key, td = 30, tx = Time.now.to_i, hsh = "sha1") OpenSSL::HMAC.hexdigest(hsh, key.to_s, [tx.to_i/td.to_i].pack("Q>")) end def dt(str) offset = str[-1].to_i(16) p = str[(offset*2)...((offset+4)*2)] p[0] = (p[0].to_i(16) & 0x7).to_s(16) p.to_i(16) end def hotp(num, dig = 6) num % (10 ** dig) end def fatal(msg) $stderr.puts(msg) exit 1 end class Secrets class Secret def initialize(secret, td, dig, hsh) @secret = secret @td = td @dig = dig @hsh = hsh end def verify(tx = Time.now.to_i) decoded = db32(@secret) hmac = hs1(decoded, @td, tx, @hsh) trunc = dt(hmac) code = hotp(trunc, @dig) "%0#{@dig}d" % code end def time_remaining(tx = Time.now.to_i) (tx.to_i/@td.to_i + 1) * @td - tx end end def initialize(arr) @secrets = {} arr.each do |secretline| i, s, t, d, h = secretline.split @secrets[i] = Secret.new(s, t&.to_i || 30, d&.to_i || 6, h || "sha1") end end def [](issuer) @secrets[issuer] end end opts = Optimist::options do version "twofa (c) 2019 Nat Lasseter" banner <<-EOS twofa is a command line TOTP code generator. Usage: twofa [opts] ISSUER where [opts] are: EOS opt :no_clip, "Do not copy code to the clipboard" opt :twofa_file, "Location of the twofa secrets file", type: :string, default: File.join(ENV["HOME"], ".twofa") end TWOFAFILE = opts[:twofa_file] fatal("No 2fa issuers file at #{File.absolute_path(TWOFAFILE)}") unless File.exist?(TWOFAFILE) SECRETS = Secrets.new(File.readlines(TWOFAFILE).map(&:strip)) ISSUER = ARGV.shift&.strip&.downcase fatal("Specify issuer") if ISSUER.nil? sec = SECRETS[ISSUER] fatal("No such issuer") if sec.nil? code = sec.verify time = sec.time_remaining puts "#{code} (for #{time} more seconds)" unless opts[:no_clip] then require "clipboard" Clipboard.copy(code) puts "(Copied to clipboard)" end