class SlurmJobStates def initialize(collector, config) @collector = collector @interval = config[:raid_every] end def raid start_time = ( - @interval).strftime("%H:%M:%S") # Get raw data from sacct and read jobs into an array raw = `sacct -a -P -o State,Partition -S #{start_time}`.lines # remove any whitespace from the ends of each string raw = # drop the header line raw = raw[1..-1] # split each line into state and partition raw ={ |l| l.split("|") } # and remove the "by xxxxxx" from CANCELLED jobs raw = { |state, partition| [state.split[0], partition] } # Make a tally of each state/partition combo tally = raw.tally # Clean up any previously reported metrics # to prevent stale labelsets @collector.redact!("slurm_job_states") # Report new metrics tally.each do |labelset, number|!( "slurm_job_states", number, help: "Number of jobs in each state", type: "gauge", labels: {state: labelset[0], partition: labelset[1]} ) end end end