Advent-of-Code-2016.gitAdvent of Code answers for 2016 9 months
Advent-of-Code-2017.gitAdvent of Code answers for 2017 9 months
Advent-of-Code-2018.gitAdvent of Code answers for 2018 9 months
Advent-of-Code-2019.gitAdvent of Code answers for 2019 9 months
Advent-of-Code-2020.gitAdvent of Code answers for 2020
Advent-of-Code-2021.gitAdvent of Code answers for 2021
AdventOfCode2022.gitAdvent of Code answers for 2022
AdventOfCode2023.gitAdvent of Code answers for 2023
AdventofCode.gitAdvent of Code answers for 2015 9 months
Annun.gitMQTT driven Annunciator panels
Byteclick.gitThe Byteclick game 9 months
DRuM.gitDocker Ruby Manager 7 months
Enabler.gitI am the Enabler! 9 months
Erlang-Euler.gitMy solutions to project Euler, written mostly in Erlang. 9 months
FISh-Configs.gitMy FISh config 9 months
FlashingLightPrize2017.gitMy entry for the Flashing Light Prize 2017 9 months
HueLoveMe.gitA shameless clone of I Love Hue 6 months
InADiceAge.gitEclipse Phase dice-rolling Discord Bot
KeyboardDefence.gitKeyboard Defence Game 9 months
Markov.gitRuby Markov Chain Generator 9 months
Monopoly.gitMonopoly landing statistics 9 months
NewBAPS.gitNew URY BAPS replacement
Particle.gitJust a simple physics simulator. 9 months
RegexBuilder.gitAn incomplete Ruby DSL for writing Regexps. 9 months
SimpleCrypt.gitSimple Munger 9 months
TCPing.gitTCPing 9 months
TapeLibrary.gitRuby Tape Library DSL 9 months
TapeMachine.gitAn assembler and virtual machine for a Von Neumann tape machine 9 months
TextTransport.gitAndroid App which acts as an SMS to MQTT gateway 9 months
TickleTown.gitTown game in TCL
TimingEvents.gitA thing I'm messing about with. 9 months
VFSM.gitThe Virtual Finite State Machine: Yet another FSM simulator 9 months
audiocache-server.gitGolang server for dropping files at geographic locations 9 months
bin.gitBits from .local/bin that other people might find useful 9 months
byteback.gitA maintenance-free Linux backup solution, using btrfs snapshots 9 months
cdhooks.gitRun scripts to be run automatically around a cd command in BASh 6 months
clitool.gitMake CLIs quickly and easily in ruby 9 months
clog.gitPHP blogging software 9 months
commenter.gitHit hash in normal mode in Vim to place or remove a comment character at the sta...9 months
configctl.gitSome kind of command line configurator thing, I think. I dunno. 9 months
contract-examples.gitExamples of Contract programs 9 months
corrupt.gitCorrupt Game 9 months
custodian-syntax.gitVim syntax file and filetype detection for Bytemark's Custodian, previously Sent...9 months
custodian.gitA distributed protocol tester. 9 months
draw.gitA bad drawing program 9 months
eco.gitErlang Eco System 9 months
eradius.gitGarbage RADIUS server
erlbal.gitErlang load balancer 9 months
forward-please.gitForward Please. A Stupid Ideas game.
gist-public.gitPublic Gists
go-become.gitGo Become Server 9 months
gocsvexample.gitExample for gocsv that columns with blank headers don't work 9 months
longboat.gitLongboat is a metric collection system. Intended for Viking, but theoretically g...9 months
looking-glass.gitEasy to deploy Looking Glass 9 months
massuseransible.gitAdd users en-masse to hosts using ansible 9 months
mauvealert.gita messaging system for system and network administrators 9 months
maze.gitMaze generator and A* path finder 9 months
merge.gitSimple Mail Merger 9 months
mov.gitTTA VM 9 months
nasm.gitJust arsing around with x86_64 on linux 9 months
ocml.gitOCML parser 9 months
oxidized.gitconfiguration backup software - silly attempt at rancid 9 months
patter.gitPattern Ruby 9 months
pi-temp-mon.gitRaspberry Pi Temperature Monitor 9 months
planed.gitPlane daemon
plang.gitThe Packet Internet Groper Local Area Network Groper 9 months
rembot.gitErlang IRC Reminder Bot 9 months
rtiaw.gitRay Tracing in a Weekend in Ruby
rtiaw2.gitRay Tracing in a Weekend in Go
rubiks.gitRubiks Cube 9 months
rubydice.gitRuby dice REPL
rubymake.gitRuby Make like thing
sambot.gitErlang IRC dice rolling bot 9 months
servd.gitLightweight low-config no-frills webserver 9 months
sexp.gitRuby S-Expression parser
sshconfig.gitA Ruby DSL for generating SSH configs 9 months
subleq.gitSubleq assembler and emulator 9 months
tba.gitA crappy TBA engine 9 months
thing.gitThings 9 months
traffic-predictor.gitNeural network to try and predict traffic flows 9 months
twofa.gitRuby TOTP/HOTP authenticator 9 months
uoy-viking-raiders.gitUoY Viking raiders for longboat 9 months
virgil.gitVirgil templating 9 months
xjs.gitxkcd json to sqlite 9 months
york-folklore.gitUniversity of York Campus Folklore 9 months