Uses of Class

Uses of MqttPersistenceException in org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3

Methods in org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3 that throw MqttPersistenceException
 MqttDeliveryToken MqttTopic.publish(byte[] payload, int qos, boolean retained)
          Publishes a message on the topic.
 MqttDeliveryToken MqttTopic.publish(MqttMessage message)
          Publishes the specified message to this topic, but doesn't wait for a response.
 byte[] MqttPersistable.getHeaderBytes()
          Returns the header bytes in an array.
 int MqttPersistable.getHeaderLength()
          Returns the length of the header.
 int MqttPersistable.getHeaderOffset()
          Returns the offset of the header within the byte array returned by MqttPersistable.getHeaderBytes().
 byte[] MqttPersistable.getPayloadBytes()
          Returns the payload bytes in an array.
 int MqttPersistable.getPayloadLength()
          Returns the length of the payload.
 int MqttPersistable.getPayloadOffset()
          Returns the offset of the payload within the byte array returned by MqttPersistable.getPayloadBytes().
 void clientId, java.lang.String theConnection)
 void MqttDefaultFilePersistence.close()
 void MqttDefaultFilePersistence.put(java.lang.String key, MqttPersistable message)
          Writes the specified persistent data to the previously specified persistence directory.
 MqttPersistable MqttDefaultFilePersistence.get(java.lang.String key)
 void MqttDefaultFilePersistence.remove(java.lang.String key)
          Deletes the data with the specified key from the previously specified persistence directory.
 java.util.Enumeration MqttDefaultFilePersistence.keys()
          Returns all of the persistent data from the previously specified persistence directory.
 boolean MqttDefaultFilePersistence.containsKey(java.lang.String key)
 void MqttDefaultFilePersistence.clear()
 void clientId, java.lang.String serverURI)
          Initialise the persistent store.
 void MqttClientPersistence.close()
          Close the persistent store that was previously opened.
 void MqttClientPersistence.put(java.lang.String key, MqttPersistable persistable)
          Puts the specified data into the persistent store.
 MqttPersistable MqttClientPersistence.get(java.lang.String key)
          Gets the specified data out of the persistent store.
 void MqttClientPersistence.remove(java.lang.String key)
          Remove the data for the specified key.
 java.util.Enumeration MqttClientPersistence.keys()
          Returns an Enumeration over the keys in this persistent data store.
 void MqttClientPersistence.clear()
          Clears persistence, so that it no longer contains any persisted data.
 boolean MqttClientPersistence.containsKey(java.lang.String key)
          Returns whether or not data is persisted using the specified key.

Constructors in org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3 that throw MqttPersistenceException
MqttDefaultFilePersistence(java.lang.String directory)
          Create an file-based persistent data store within the specified directory.