diff options
4 files changed, 239 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/player.tcl b/player.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..156c1f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/player.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+oo::class create player {
+ constructor {} {
+ my variable satiation
+ set satiation 100
+ }
+ method status {} {
+ my variable satiation
+ return "Satiation: $satiation"
+ }
+ method died {} {
+ my variable satiation
+ return [expr $satiation <= 0]
+ }
+ method update {} {
+ my variable satiation
+ incr satiation -2
+ }
+ method eat {food} {
+ if {$food != ""} {
+ my variable satiation
+ set satiation [expr min($satiation + [$food value], 100)]
+ $food eat
+ } else {
+ puts "The town has no food."
+ }
+ }
+ method work {amount} {
+ my variable satiation
+ set satiation [expr $satiation - $amount]
+ puts "You wipe the sweat from your brow."
+ }
diff --git a/resources.tcl b/resources.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de0a730
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+oo::class create food {
+ method title {} {
+ my variable name
+ return $name
+ }
+ method value {} {
+ my variable satiation
+ return $satiation
+ }
+ method eat {} {
+ my variable consumption
+ puts $consumption
+ }
+oo::class create water {
+ superclass food
+ constructor {} {
+ my variable satiation consumption name
+ set satiation 5
+ set name water
+ set consumption "You enjoy some fresh water."
+ puts "You gather some clean water from the nearby river."
+ }
+oo::class create apples {
+ superclass food
+ constructor {} {
+ my variable satiation consumption name
+ set satiation [expr int(rand() * 5) + 8]
+ set name apples
+ set consumption "You enjoy a crisp, red apple."
+ puts "You gather some ripe apples from the forest."
+ }
diff --git a/town b/town
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b817212
--- /dev/null
+++ b/town
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env tclsh
+source player.tcl
+source town.tcl
+source resources.tcl
+proc statusline {player town} {
+ puts -nonewline [$player status]
+ puts -nonewline " -- "
+ puts [$town status]
+proc checkeog {player} {
+ if [$player died] {
+ puts "You lie, exhausted, as the light fades away."
+ puts "Game over."
+ exit
+ }
+proc help {} {
+ puts {Available commmands:
+ quit: quit game
+ help: show this help
+ make power: make power for the town's supply
+ gather water: gather water for the town's supply
+ gather food: gather food for the town's supply
+ build house: build a house in the town which can house people
+ hire power maker: set an unassigned occupant to generate power
+ hire food gatherer: set an unassigned occupant to gather food
+ drink: gather some water for yourself
+ eat: eat an item from the town's food supply}
+set p [player new]
+set t [town new]
+while true {
+ statusline $p $t
+ checkeog $p
+ set update true
+ puts -nonewline ">: "
+ flush stdout
+ gets stdin ent
+ switch -nocase $ent {
+ {} {set update false}
+ quit exit
+ help {help; set update false}
+ "make power" {$t crank; $p work 5}
+ "gather water" {$t putfood [water new]}
+ "gather food" {$t putfood [apples new]; $p work 3}
+ "build house" {$t build house; $p work 15}
+ drink {$p eat [water new]}
+ eat {$p eat [$t takefood]}
+ default {puts "You consider it deeply, but you're not sure how to $ent."; set update false}
+ }
+ if $update {
+ $p update
+ $t update
+ }
diff --git a/town.tcl b/town.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1b71f19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/town.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+oo::class create town {
+ constructor {} {
+ my variable power foods buildings
+ set power 0
+ set foods {}
+ set buildings {}
+ }
+ method status {} {
+ my variable power foods buildings
+ set houses [lmap b $buildings {
+ expr {[$b is house] ? $b : [continue]}
+ }]
+ set popn 0
+ foreach h $houses {incr popn [$h occupancy]}
+ return "Town power: $power, food: [llength $foods], houses: [llength $houses], popn: $popn/[expr [llength $houses] * 4]"
+ }
+ method update {} {
+ my variable power buildings
+ set power [expr max($power - 2, 0)]
+ foreach b $buildings {$b update [self]}
+ }
+ method crank {} {
+ my variable power
+ incr power 10
+ puts "You turn the crank awhile, the lights flicker."
+ }
+ method takefood {} {
+ my variable foods
+ if [expr [llength $foods] > 0] {
+ set choice [expr int(rand() * [llength $foods])]
+ set food [lindex $foods $choice]
+ set foods [lreplace $foods $choice $choice]
+ puts "You take [$food title] from the town's food supply."
+ return $food
+ }
+ }
+ method putfood {food} {
+ my variable foods
+ puts "You add [$food title] to the town's food supply."
+ lappend foods $food
+ }
+ method build {what} {
+ my variable buildings
+ switch $what {
+ house {lappend buildings [house new]}
+ }
+ }
+oo::class create building {
+ method is {{what {}}} {
+ my variable type
+ if {$what != {}} {
+ return [expr {$type == $what}]
+ } else {
+ return $type
+ }
+ }
+oo::class create house {
+ superclass building
+ constructor {} {
+ my variable type occupants
+ set type house
+ set occupants 0
+ puts "You put up a wooden cabin."
+ }
+ method occupancy {} {
+ my variable occupants
+ return $occupants
+ }
+ method update {town} {
+ my variable occupants
+ if {$occupants < 4 && [expr int(rand() * 6) == 0]} {
+ incr occupants
+ }
+ }