path: root/byteback-mysql
diff options
authorPatrick J Cherry <>2016-11-09 09:41:50 +0000
committerPatrick J Cherry <>2016-11-09 09:41:50 +0000
commit3cc8a83938cd4eae9a196375dca2fd9127f23aa0 (patch)
treefa36b507469bdb1c7b4891e336a6928c59bceab5 /byteback-mysql
parent25f3947c16b57a9686500534e44423aab90b0bc7 (diff)
parentc68fe975ab4b47436bd90fa701b83a78793b0f32 (diff)
Merge branch 'master' into 12-fix-btrfs-path
Diffstat (limited to 'byteback-mysql')
6 files changed, 281 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/byteback-mysql/post-backup.d/00-mysql b/byteback-mysql/post-backup.d/00-mysql
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..72369bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/byteback-mysql/post-backup.d/00-mysql
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+use warnings;
+use strict;
+use lib '/etc/byteback/scripts.d';
+use Bytemyback::ini qw(readconf writeconf generateconf);
+use Sys::Hostname;
+# Shim script to determine which MySQL backup(s) to run if any
+my %config = Bytemyback::ini::readconf();
+my $backup_method = $config{'backup_method'};
+foreach my $method (keys %$backup_method) {
+ next unless $backup_method->{$method};
+ print "Running /etc/byteback/scripts.d/Bytemyback/${method} post\n";
+ `/etc/byteback/scripts.d/Bytemyback/${method} post` if (-x "/etc/byteback/scripts.d/Bytemyback/${method}");
+ print "Finished /etc/byteback/scripts.d/Bytemyback/${method} post\n";
+ # Each script should have a heartbeat alert. They may also have specific failure alerts on both client and
+ # server side.
+ my $host = hostname;
+ system("mauvesend -i $method-hb-${host}-low -c now -r +26h -s 'MySQL backup method $method on ${host} has not run for over a day' --detail='Please try running manually to see what the problem was, and check the mailing list'");
diff --git a/byteback-mysql/pre-backup.d/00-mysql b/byteback-mysql/pre-backup.d/00-mysql
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..edfcd56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/byteback-mysql/pre-backup.d/00-mysql
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+use warnings;
+use strict;
+use Data::Dumper;
+use lib '/etc/byteback/scripts.d';
+use Bytemyback::ini qw(readconf writeconf generateconf);
+# Shim script to determine which MySQL backup(s) to run if any
+my %config = Bytemyback::ini::readconf();
+if (!%config) {
+ %config = Bytemyback::ini::generateconf();
+# Backup directory shouldn't be world-readable
+system("mkdir -p /var/backups/byteback");
+system("chmod 700 /var/backups/byteback");
+# List of each script to run (not mutually exclusive). Generated automatically if it doesn't exist
+my $backup_method = $config{'backup_method'};
+foreach my $method (keys %$backup_method) {
+ next unless $backup_method->{$method};
+ print "Running /etc/byteback/scripts.d/Bytemyback/${method} pre\n";
+ `/etc/byteback/scripts.d/Bytemyback/${method} pre` if (-x "/etc/byteback/scripts.d/Bytemyback/${method}");
+ print "Finished /etc/byteback/scripts.d/Bytemyback/${method} pre\n";
diff --git a/byteback-mysql/scripts.d/Bytemyback/ b/byteback-mysql/scripts.d/Bytemyback/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..74b1fc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/byteback-mysql/scripts.d/Bytemyback/
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+package Bytemyback::ini;
+use warnings;
+use strict;
+use Data::Dumper;
+use Exporter;
+our @EXPORT_OK = qw(readconf writeconf generateconf);
+# Didn't want to have to install any libraries on all servers.
+# Couldn't find anything default and lightweight to read ini files
+# So wrote this. Sorry.
+sub readconf {
+ my $file = shift || '/etc/byteback/mysql.ini';
+ my %config;
+ my $subsection = "default";
+ return if !$file;
+ open my $fh, "<", $file or return;
+ foreach (<$fh>) {
+ if (/^\s*\[([^\]]+)\]/) {
+ $subsection = $1;
+ }
+ elsif (/^\s*(\S[^\s=]*)\s*=\s*(\S[^\s=]*)\s*$/) {
+ $config{$subsection}->{$1}=$2;
+ }
+ }
+ close $fh;
+ return %config;
+sub writeconf {
+ # Hate writing code like this. @_ is the list of arguments passed to
+ # this subroutine. It's either a file and a hash, or just a hash. A
+ # hash is passed as a list of pairs of arguments (and Perl puts them
+ # back into a hash). When used in scalar context, @_ returns the number
+ # of items in the array. @_ % 2 is the remainder when this is divided by
+ # 2 (modulo). So if it's either 1 if there are an odd number of elements
+ # or 0. Perl treats 1 as true, 0 as false. So this one line with 10 lines
+ # of explanation say if there are an odd number of elements, the first is
+ # the ini file and should be shifted (removed from the front), otherwise
+ # use a default.
+ my $config_file = @_ % 2 ? shift : '/etc/byteback/mysql.ini';
+ my %config = @_;
+ open my $fh, ">", $config_file;
+ foreach my $subsection (keys %config) {
+ print $fh "[$subsection]\n";
+ my $href = $config{$subsection};
+ foreach my $key (keys %$href) {
+ print $fh $key, " = ", $href->{$key}, "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ close $fh;
+sub generateconf {
+ # Wipes current config, tries to figure out a set of defaults.
+ # set LVM to 1 only if /etc/lvmbackup.conf exists
+ # If it does, also populate LV size and whether or not to lock from there
+ my %backup_method = ( "lvm", 0, "mysqldump-split-db", 0, "mysqldump-full", 1 );
+ # LVM specific variables
+ my %lvm;
+ # By default, lock tables. May be overridden below.
+ $lvm{"lock"} = 1;
+ my $lvmconfig = '/etc/mylvmbackup.conf';
+ if (-e $lvmconfig) {
+ my $failed = 0;
+ open my $conffh, "<", "/etc/mylvmbackup.conf" or $failed++;
+ if ($conffh) {
+ foreach (<$conffh>) {
+ if (/^\s*lvsize=(\S+)\s*$/) {
+ $lvm{"lvsize"} = $1;
+ }
+ if (/^\s*skip_flush_tables=1/) {
+ $lvm{"lock"} = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ close $conffh;
+ }
+ $backup_method{"lvm"} = 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ $backup_method{"mysqldump-full"} = 1;
+ }
+ my %config = ( "backup_method" => \%backup_method, "lvm" => \%lvm );
+ writeconf(%config);
+ return(%config);
diff --git a/byteback-mysql/scripts.d/Bytemyback/lvm b/byteback-mysql/scripts.d/Bytemyback/lvm
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c3ff4fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/byteback-mysql/scripts.d/Bytemyback/lvm
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+use DBI;
+use Data::Dumper;
+use warnings;
+use strict;
+my $mountpoint = "/var/backups/bytemyback/mnt/";
+my $snapshot_name = "byteback_data_snap";
+my $snapshot_size = "20G";
+my $dbh;
+die "Must specify either pre or post\n" unless @ARGV;
+if ($ARGV[0] eq 'pre') {
+ # Check snapshot doesn't already exist
+ die "Snapshot still exists\n" if `lvs 2>&1` =~ /$snapshot_name/;
+ my $lock_tables = 1; # This will be configurable. Whether or not it runs FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK before taking the snapshot.
+ my $defaults_file = '/etc/mysql/debian.cnf';
+ my $dsn = "DBI:mysql:;mysql_read_default_file=$defaults_file";
+ $dbh = DBI->connect(
+ $dsn,
+ undef,
+ undef,
+ {RaiseError => 1}
+ ) or die "DBI::errstr: $DBI::errstr";
+ my $data_dir = ask_mysql_for_var('datadir');
+ my $lvm_dir = get_LVM_dir();
+ die "MySQL doesn't seem to be running from LVM\n" if !$lvm_dir;
+ $dbh->do("FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK") if $lock_tables;
+ # Create snapshot
+ my $mounted_lvm = `df $lvm_dir | tail -n1 | cut -f1 -d" "`;
+ if (!`lvcreate -n $snapshot_name -L $snapshot_size --snapshot $mounted_lvm`) {
+ my $error = $!;
+ $dbh->do("UNLOCK TABLES") if $lock_tables;
+ die("Unable to create snapshot: $!\n");
+ }
+ else {
+ $dbh->do("UNLOCK TABLES") if $lock_tables;
+ chomp (my $mapped_snapshot = "/dev/mapper/" . `dmsetup ls | grep $snapshot_name | grep -v cow | cut -f1 -d " "`);
+ `mkdir -p $mountpoint`;
+ `mount $mapped_snapshot $mountpoint`;
+ `touch ${mountpoint}.bytebacklvm`;
+ }
+elsif ($ARGV[0] eq 'post') {
+ `umount $mountpoint`;
+ chomp (my $mapped_snapshot = "/dev/mapper/" . `dmsetup ls | grep $snapshot_name | grep -v cow | cut -f1 -d " "`);
+ `lvremove -f $mapped_snapshot`;
+sub ask_mysql_for_var {
+ my $var = '@@' . shift;
+ my $query = $dbh->prepare("SELECT ${var}");
+ $query->execute;
+ return $query->fetchrow_hashref()->{$var};
+sub get_LVM_dir {
+ # This is a bit hacky, it checks if lvs returns,
+ # then checks if the mountpoint is /dev/mapper/$firstbit-$secondbit
+ # Returns true only if above matches and lvs output has $secondbit $firstbit somewhere
+ my $datadir = ask_mysql_for_var('datadir');
+ my $lvs = `lvs 2>&1`;
+ if (($?) || ($lvs =~ /No volume groups found/)) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ my $output = `df $datadir | tail -n1`;
+ $output =~ s/--/:/g;
+ if ($output =~ m#/dev/mapper/([\w:]+)-([\w:]+)\s#) {
+ my ($vg, $lv) = ($1, $2);
+ $vg =~ s/:/-/; $lv =~ s/:/-/;
+ if ($lvs =~ /\s+$lv\s+$vg\s/) {
+ return $datadir;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
diff --git a/byteback-mysql/scripts.d/Bytemyback/mysqldump-full b/byteback-mysql/scripts.d/Bytemyback/mysqldump-full
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b4bb01e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/byteback-mysql/scripts.d/Bytemyback/mysqldump-full
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+if [ "$1" == "pre" ]; then
+ HOST=`hostname`
+ echo "Dumping all databases into one backup file"
+ mkdir -p /var/backups/byteback/mysqldump-full
+ mysqldump --defaults-file=/etc/mysql/debian.cnf -A --events | gzip > /var/backups/byteback/mysqldump-full/dump.sql.gz && mauvesend -i mysqldump-split-${HOST}-low -c now -r +30h -s "mysqldump on ${HOST} has not run for over a day" --detail='Please try running manually to see what the problem was, and check the mailing list'
diff --git a/byteback-mysql/scripts.d/Bytemyback/mysqldump-split-db b/byteback-mysql/scripts.d/Bytemyback/mysqldump-split-db
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b484ef6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/byteback-mysql/scripts.d/Bytemyback/mysqldump-split-db
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+use warnings;
+use strict;
+use Sys::Hostname;
+if ((!@ARGV) or ($ARGV[0] ne 'pre')) {
+ exit;
+# Quick mysqldump wrapper to dump individual databases and alert if it fails at all
+my $failed = 0; # only set to 0 once
+my $failed_databases = '';
+my $backup_directory = '/var/backups/byteback/mysqldump-split-db/';
+`mkdir -p $backup_directory`;
+my @databases = `echo "SHOW DATABASES" | mysql --defaults-file=/etc/mysql/debian.cnf`;
+shift @databases; # Get rid of 'Databases' title from the top
+foreach my $database (@databases) {
+ chomp($database);
+ next if $database eq "lost+found";
+ next if $database =~ /^#mysql..#lost\+found$/;
+ next if $database =~ /^information_schema$/;
+ next if $database =~ /^performance_schema$/;
+ next if $database =~ /^events$/;
+ next if $database =~ /^cond_instances$/;
+ print "Dumping $database\n";
+ # Need to get rid of this -f once we've fixed errors with views (access denied etc.)
+ my $gzip = -x '/usr/bin/pigz' ? '/usr/bin/pigz' : 'gzip';
+ my $error_code = system("mysqldump --defaults-file=/etc/mysql/debian.cnf --events -f $database | $gzip > ${backup_directory}/${database}.sql.gz\n");
+ if ($error_code) {
+ $failed++;
+ $failed_databases .= " $database";
+ }
+my $host = hostname;
+if ($failed) {
+ $host = hostname;
+ system("mauvesend -i mysqldump-${host}-low -r now -s 'mysqldump on ${host} failed for $failed_databases' --detail='Please try running them manually to see what the problem was, and check the mailing list'");
+else {
+ system("mauvesend -i mysqldump-${host}-low -c now -s 'mysqldump on ${host} failed for $failed_databases' --detail='Please try running them manually to see what the problem was, and check the mailing list'");